People say what goes around comes around, but sometimes, karma just needs a little nudge.
When one woman carelessly slammed her door into someone else’s car, she unknowingly set herself up for perfectly timed payback.
Read on for the full story!
Slam your car door into my sister’s car?
A few years ago, my sister asked me to go to the store and help out in her car, as our brother was using mine.
Once we got to the store, we pulled into a spot almost at the same time as another lady.
They couldn’t believe what happened next.
Upon parking, she slammed her door open and hit my sister’s passenger door.
I gave her a “What the heck” look, but she didn’t even acknowledge us and just walked away.
They were not about to let this fly.
I told my sister to wait a couple of moments, and when the lady was far enough away, I slammed open my sister’s door (with her permission, of course) several times — hard enough to chip paint and set off her car alarm.
We then went and parked in a different spot, which was kinda lame because we had been in a spot close to the entrance.
People like this just think they can get away with anything.
What did Reddit think?
Play dirty, prepare to get played back!
Some people just don’t think through the consequences of their actions.
This commenter has another clever idea for petty revenge.
Ding me, I ding you back!
Parking lot karma always finds a way.
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