Imagine being home alone with your kids when one of them gets sick. That means you have nobody to watch the healthy kids while you take the sick kid to the doctor and pick of their medicine from the pharmacy
One Redditor dad found a creative way to deal with this situation via walkie talkies, but it turned into revenge.
It was the perfect way fro him to let off some parenting stress!
Let’s read all the details.
Walkie Talky Revenge
I’m solo parenting three kids right now.
My wife went on a once-in-a-life time trip with her mom in Europe.
Of course, two days into trip, strep throat hits my son.
And this dad didn’t have anyone to turn to…
Our support system is ZERO where we live, so I had to haul healthy kids to [the] doctor’s office and all over, as I got my son treatment.
Super stressful.
SO, finally get my 9-year-old son home and set up in bed with Nintendo and some juice.
The pharmacy calls saying his antibiotic is finally ready.
I didn’t want to get him back in the car after doing that all day, so I came up with a plan.
And the plan seemed like a surefire bet.
We have never left my son home alone for anytime, but I felt confident with going 1.5 miles up road to [the] pharmacy, and I’d leave a walkie-talkie with him, take the other with me and my twin 7 year olds.
So I’m panicking driving down the street, checkin on him every minute or so…just making sure he’s cool.
They’re cheap walkie-talkies so they went out of range faster than I thought.
I’m at the drive-thru at Walgreens, and I hit the talk button to say, “Son, can you hear me? I’m almost done.”
That’s when he heard something you won’t believe.
A nasty sounding woman pops in and says, “WHO IS THIS?”
I say, “I’m sorry, my son is at home and I was using a walkie-talkie to check on him.”
Now, things really get good…
Nasty woman IMMEDIATELY comes in and says, “Well, get off OUR channel!”
That’s when Nasty Woman #2 chimes in and says,”YEAH, GET OFF OUR CHANNEL.”
I was pretty exhausted and started to laugh at these crazy walkie-talkie/radio weirdos cursing me out like I messed up their life.
But, hey, even dads gotta have some fun.
I took a second and then thought:
I have a white noise app on my phone that can also make some high-pitch tones for whatever reason.
Super annoying sounds.
So, I put the phone speaker right up to the walkie-talkie and hit that button, holding it down for at least 2 minutes.
The sound didn’t have to be super loud since the speaker was right on the WT…
I then shut it off and laughed as we got my son’s medicine and got close enough to home for me to check on him again.
And the son? He was having the time of his life at home.
We were gone maybe 12 minutes; he was great, just playing Mario Bros…
He’s on the mend.
I was able to get my solo parenting stress out on those two Walkie-Talkie Weirdos.
10/10, would recommend messing with people via walkie-talkie.
Does Reddit think this dad’s prank was top-notch? Let’s read the comments below to find out.
First, a Redditor explained how walkie-talkies actually work.
Then, a reader applauded this dad’s perfect plan.
Finally, a Redditor reminded everyone it could always be worse.
Those ladies got a taste of their own rude medicine.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.