
He Decided To Break Up With His Girlfriend, And She Responded By Trying To Destroy His Relationships With Everyone He Cared About

Source: Reddit/Pro Revenge/Shutterstock

Sometimes when people first start dating they aren’t exactly honest about everything.

While they may not exactly be lying, they may be showing the idealistic version of themselves instead of letting anyone get to know who they really are.

In today’s story, one man thinks he’s met the perfect woman, but then he realizes that she lied about a lot of things.

When they breakup, the drama really escalates fast, and he has to find a way to stop her.

Let’s see how the story plays out.

You want to share all of my private information with friends and family? Hope you enjoy having no information at all.

So here it goes. I met this girl in January of this year.

We hit it off, and got along great.

The mental, emotional, and physical chemistry was there, and everything seemed peachy.

She lied about a lot of things.

Fast forward a few months, and the true nature of her being comes out.

She starts flipping out at me for hanging out with my other friends even ONCE a week.

She refused to allow me to have any time at all to myself.

She starts saying very mean things about quite a lot of people, and to top it all off, she was a pill popper and alcoholic, both things she lied about.

I’ve had trials and tribulations with those things in the past, and don’t want to be around people like that.

And she knew this.

They broke up.

To top it all off, she was extremely rude to near everyone.

I was trapped because no one wanted to see her, but they wanted to see me, and I had to choose between her wrath for chilling with people, or sit there in agony as she gets messed up and says terrible things about people I care about.

I don’t enjoy the company of people that are mean for no good reason like that at all, and I decided that it would much better for me to just be single, because I didn’t want to run the risk of her negativity bleeding into me.

Needless to say, she did not take that well.

His ex got revenge.

I had an account on her Mac that I used occasionally, and she knew the password.

Here’s where things get messed up.

Since she knew the password on my account, the the day after we split, she went on it and started sending VERY lewd messages and pictures to everyone that was in my contacts.

Including my mom and dad (those were very awkward conversations, believe me), because she had access to everything on my phone.

I knew what she was doing, so I went into my account and booted her computer off it asap, because that is just not right.

She won’t stop!

This was two weeks ago.

About 30 minutes ago, I noticed MORE texts being sent on my behalf, and these are even worse than before.

At this point, all my friends knew what kind of person she is, because they all know me well enough to know that I wouldn’t do or say anything even close to what she was sending.

I changed my password as well, but she had access to the app I use to manage my passwords, and used the new one to log back in.

Time for him to get revenge on her.

At this point, I am fuming.

She is blatantly disregarding my privacy, and is just trying to ruin my relationships with everyone I care about, so I decide enough is enough.

I went on find my iPhone, and located her Mac, because she signed back into my iCloud account.

I noticed a button that says, ‘erase Mac’.

That’ll put a stop to her revenge!

When I saw this, my heart fluttered, because I finally saw a way to end the madness.

Basically, I wiped the ENTIRE computer of all of it’s data, and also put a passcode on it, so that she can’t even get back into her bricked computer, until she contacts me for it.

Now she is stuck with a very expensive paperweight, and I can rest easy because she can no longer try to wreak havoc with my relationships, or have access to my private information and passwords.

I have never done anything like this to someone, and I can’t help but feel that I am going to get some form of karmic payback for it, but man, does it feel good to finally get back at her for what she did, and then some.

What a crazy woman he was dating.

I’m glad he got her out of his life.

Let’s see what Reddit thought about this story.

This person hopes he learned his lesson.

Another person has a warning.

He could try to get a restraining order.

Did she lose anything important?

Hopefully she’ll leave him alone.

But it honestly seems unlikely.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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