
High School Bully Made His Victim Feel Invisible for Years, So The Former Classmate Erased Him From Their Graduation Video

Source: Pexels/Prince Photos, Reddit/PettyRevenge

High school memories have a way of sticking with people, whether they want them to or not.

When one person saw the familiar face of their bully on an old graduation tape, they decided some memories were better erased — frame by frame.

Read on for the full story.

I was digitizing a 15 year old grad video and I deleted a bully from it.

I had a bully in high school who made my life a living nightmare.

15 years later, I was digitizing a graduation VHS tape for a school reunion.

I saw him in the video… So edited him out.

They reduced their bully, just as their bully reduced them.

No more him getting his diploma.

I either completely cut or obscured with a dot.

Now all he is is a dot.

It’s a small thing, and I doubt they’ll ever see it. But still.

A poignant act of revenge that while subtle, must still feel cathartic.

What did Reddit think?

Maybe erasing their bully for good is just what their mental health needs.

Maybe attending the reunion at all is more trouble than it’s worth.

Not everyone gets the opportunity to exact their revenge so perfectly.

This bully became exactly what he made me his victims feel — insignificant.

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