
High School Student Is Bullied By A Former Friend, So They Get Interesting Revenge By Obeying The Speed Limit

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Shutterstock

It can be really hard when a friendship ends. It can be even harder when a former friend turns on you and becomes a bully.

That’s what happens in today’s story, and the victim of the bullying finds a way to get revenge without doing anything wrong.

Let’s see how the story plays out.

Obeying the law has never felt so good

So for the past few months, nearly a year now, I have had an interesting situation with an ex-friend of mine.

We originally became friends almost 6 years ago now, but over time the friendship faded away, and it kinda exploded at the end.

During this explosion, he said some very hurtful things related to traumas i had opened up to him in the past over, and ever since it has been very chaotic.

Like, almost a general campaign of harassment against me, or at least I would call it that if it wasn’t so childish.

This former friend sounds like a horrible bully.

For example…

-He calls me a pedophile for dating someone 1 and a half years younger than I am, simply because we are 2 grades apart.

(I have a summer birthday, and hers is in the middle of the school year. This causes shenanigan’s with age and such, I’m sure you know).

For the record, I am 17.

-He acts like I have a magical mystery disease that will off him if he dares get within 5 feet of me.

This is difficult seeing how we share almost all of our classes (we are the only members of our high school trombone section, and band is among the only classes we have at the school because of dual enrollment programs.) and both are on the same swim team.

So lane sharing is a common occurrence when he doesnt demote himself to the slowest group on our team to stay away from me despite both of us being among the fastest.

-Treat me complimenting him on good playing, or a good race as its the gravest insult known to man, and reply with something along the lines of the first point.

-Minor tips on how a passage should be played (Hey x, just so you know that note is on the ‘and’ of beat 3) are met with horrible, I dont like remembering his BS.

-Says I am ‘no fun’ or variations of such for telling him and his newer group to stop calling people slurs, both their own group and others such as me.

(I am non binary, and black. So yeah its a fun time dealing with that).

But of course, ‘its just a joke man, chillout’

Now for the revenge.

This pointless high school drama has been going on for just under year by now.

Which I think is just a wee bit silly.

As for the revenge, well we do share a swim team, and live in very similar areas.

So given that practice has started back up after the end of the school year, I have taken to going the exact speed limit in front of his car on the way home.

You see, the pool we have to go to for practices is roughly 20 miles away, the VAST majority of this (about 17 miles) is all on one long road, as we need to head out to another city to practice.

Obeying the law is revenge.

The speed limit on this road is 45 miles per hour, but NOBODY and I mean NOBODY obeys this.

I have seen cops blaze down it at 60+.

But me?

no. I obey the law.

The former friend has no choice but to follow him.

No passing is allowed on this road, and with me cruising at a casual 43 miles per hour as to not break any traffic law, directly in front of my ex freind?

yeah it adds an extra 5-10 minutes ISH to the trip.

Problem for him, is that he needs to get to work right after practice.

So ive added just a little bit of stress to his life during that commute.

He is loving the revenge.

I will probably stop after today, but just one week of seeing his face in my rearview has been SOOOOOOOO worth it.

The cause of a few ‘youre late’ scoldings from his boss? yes.

Funny enough to have me cackling like a crazy person the whole way home? yes

Why stop after today?

There’s no reason to suddenly start breaking the law now!

Let’s see how Reddit responded to this story.

This person loved the revenge.

Here’s a similar revenge story from the 1970s.

This person makes 2 good points.

Everyone loves his revenge.

You don’t have to break the law to get revenge.

Sometimes you just have to obey it.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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