When you are in a relationship with someone, you want them to treat you special and show that they love you.
What would you do if your significant other treated you just like one of his friends or family members and not like someone unique and special to him?
That is what is happening to the guy in this story, and he is hurt that his boyfriend is not willing to change.
Check it out.
AITA for asking my partner to treat me differently than his friends/family?
Me (m22) and my partner (m27) got into an argument about how he talks to me at times and what he calls me (snarky comments about my habits, appearance etc).
I have told him that I don‘t appreciate it and that it makes me uncomfortable in certain situations.
A boyfriend is not the same as any other relationship though.
He argues that he is like this with all his closest friends and family and that this is what he wants in a relationship and basically that I should suck it up.
He also told me that he basically wants a really close friend with whom he can be intimate with.
They want different things.
I responded that I don‘t wanna be his friend but his boyfriend and he then said that if I can‘t be his friend, there‘s no use in further being together.
Am I being too sensitive?
It sounds like these two want different things out of the relationship, it might be time to end it.
Read on to see what the people in the comments think about the story.
Listen to what he said.
Here is a comment that says the guy doesn’t want a boyfriend.
Maybe they just aren’t compatible.
This comment says he isn’t being too sensitive.
This person says he doesn’t want to be his boyfriend.
These two just want different things.
It’s sad, but sometimes you just have to walk away.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.