
His Dad Kept Drinking the Iced Tea He Made, So He Spiked A Batch With Salt Instead Of Sugar To Teach Him A Lesson

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

I love it when a plan comes together…

And this one is guaranteed to bring a big smile to your face!

Check out how this kid taught his dad an important life lesson that we’re sure he didn’t forget.

Guzzle My Tea, Pay the Price.

“My dad was an abusive jerk.

But in addition to his physical and emotional abuse, he did things just to **** people off.

We grew up on homemade iced tea.

We, my siblings and I, made the tea because my dad didn’t.

He barely held a job because he had a problem with authority.

My dad would wait until we would fix a glass of iced tea, mix it with sugar, lemon and ice, and sit down with it.

Then he’d walk up and drink the entire thing.

Just guzzle the whole thing.

Then he would complain about it.

There was no pleasing this guy.

He’d say, too much lemon, not enough or my favorite, too sweet.

My dad was obese.

Nothing was too sweet for him.

Besides why would he drink all of it, if he didn’t like it.

Why couldn’t he ask us to make him one?

Sometimes we’d ask if he wanted a glass and he’d say no but drink ours anyway.

He was just a jerk.

So, one day, I knew what he was going to do.

So, I used salt.

My brother was watching me and looked at me like what?

I just put my finger over my lips.

How do you like this, Dad?

The tea was still a little warm so it was easier the tea was more soluble.

I mixed in that salt and then added ice.

I sat down with a sandwich like I was going to have lunch.

Sure enough my dad walked over and picked up my tea and started guzzling.

He then ran to the sink and spit it out and coughed.

He was yelling.

I said, What’s wrong? Is it too sweet?

I worked so hard not to burst out laughing.

My brother was in the corner with his head down and shaking with laughter.

My father glared at me.

He never drank my tea again.”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This reader chimed in.

Another individual spoke up.

This person weighed in.

Another reader was impressed.

And this individual shared a story.

Their dad never made that mistake again!

Lesson learned.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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