
His Future Father-In-Law Insisted That He Should Use Manly Soap To Shower, But He Ignored Him And Used His Girlfriend’s Soap Instead

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Shutterstock

What’s the difference between shampoo, conditioner and body wash marketed for men versus the same products designed for women? Probably not much except for the scent and packaging.

In today’s story, a man isn’t too picky about what soap he uses in the shower. He just wants to take a shower! It’s his future father-in-law who makes a big deal about the soap.

Let’s see how this funny story plays out.

I’ve never told anyone this story. He told me I couldn’t use women’s body wash. I’ve been using it for 20 years now.

This probably stretches the limits of “petty” and “revenge” but I’m going to post it any way. I’ve never told a single person this story because it’s so stupidly petty…

Around 20 years ago when I was in college, my girlfriend (girlfriend then, she’s now my wife) and I had plans to go to a nice dinner in our parents’ hometown.

I had another commitment during the day that was going to leave me sweaty and dirty (I don’t remember what it was, but I remember REALLY needing a shower before going to dinner). So the plan was that I would finish up during the day, meet her at her parents’ house where I would quickly shower, and then we’d leave for dinner.

He really wanted to take a shower.

After I got done, I went to their house.

My gf and her parents were asking me about how things went.

All I remember is feeling so insanely dirty that I didn’t want to stand there talking to them because I was sure that they could smell me from several feet away.

I continued to inch my way up the stairs where I knew I would be showering.

His future father-in-law was alarmed.

When I felt like I could safely leave the conversation without being rude, I asked my gf, “you have soap/shampoo/etc up there that I can use to shower?”

She said, “yup.”

This is when her dad (my now FIL) literally jumped up out of his seat saying, “no, no no, let me find you some men’s soap, you don’t want to use her soap!”

He didn’t enjoy waiting.

I quickly tried to stop him as I REALLY didn’t care. I just wanted to shower.

He insisted.

So I stood there halfway up the stairs for a few minutes, desperately wanting to go up and shower while he rooted around in his bathroom trying to find some manly soap.

He eventually found something, handed it over, and I went upstairs.

He still used his girlfriend’s soap.

Being annoyed at 1) his overall insistence that I couldn’t possibly use soap that wasn’t intended for men and 2) having to wait longer to take the shower, I decided I was going to be petty and use my girlfriend’s soap any way


But the actual petty revenge continues to this day.

He’s the only one who knows about this revenge.

Her parents still live in that same house and we still live in a different city. So every time we go back to visit, we stay at their house.

We still use that same bathroom when we go back. And that bathroom is always stocked with both “manly” and “girly” body washes.

Guess who uses the girly body wash every time I’m there?

Even though I prefer the scents of the manly stuff.

Even though not a single soul knows about how I was wronged or the revenge that I’ve been exacting for 20 years now…

That’s funny! He should at least tell his wife. She’d probably find it funny too.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.

One person would’ve taken this revenge a little bit further.

This is a funny suggestion!

There’s nothing wrong with liking lavender.

This dad has an interesting point of view.

This is funny!

Use whatever you want!

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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