
Impatient And Angry Customer Is Rude To This Representative, So They Decided To Solve The Problem The Longer, Slower Way

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Shutterstock

If you have ever worked in customer service, you probably know that some customers can be really rude.

You also probably know that the customer isn’t always right.

In fact, they are sometimes very wrong.

That’s the situation in today’s story, and the customer service rep at the call center handled the customer like a pro while still getting revenge.

Let’s see what happened.

Call in with the worst attitude possible? I will absolutely make you take the long way.

I work at a call center (hooray) and we get a lot of calls for cards declining, probably 90 percent of which are because people don’t activate their cards.


This guy calls in with thee thickest accent possible and angry that we are “blocking” his card.

He was talking really fast.

I finally get him to calm down enough to give me his name so i can pull up his account and you would have thought he was trying to race someone with how fast he was talking.

Finally, after many, many angry words about my competency i get his account pulled up.

It would’ve been easier if he had been nice.

To the surprise of no one except him, he has in fact not activated his card.

At this point I’m so fed up with his attitude that even though i could have activated the card with one click i made him go through our card activation automated system.

An absolute pain for an impatient jerk like him.

That’s a great way to get revenge, and the customer won’t even realize there was an easier way.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.

A former call center employee weighs in.

This is a good point.

This angry customer made sure the call center rep didn’t take the anger personally.

This person has a suggestion for how to end the call.

Another person has had to deal with fast talkers before.

If he had been nicer, his problem would’ve been solved so much quicker!

Which is so often the case.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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