
She Forgot Her Phone When She Went To Work, So Her Husband Says It Was Her Fault He Didn’t Pick Her Up

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

It can be frustrating being in a relationship with someone who is forgetful, but you gotta take the good with the bad, right?

Well, that’s true…but I guess everyone has their breaking point.

Check out the story this woman wrote on Reddit and see if you think she’s to blame for the fight she got into with her husband.

AITA for forgetting my phone at home?

“Today I (40F) realized I forgot my phone at home while my spouse (35M) was driving me to work.

I don’t need it for my work, so it’s usually not a big deal.

Since our supervisor was kind enough to let us have a half day off for Christmas eve, my spouse offered to pick me up after my morning shift at 1220.

He had been up late the night before, and said he would set his alarm for 1220.

I confirmed again over messenger and he said he’d wake up at 1220 and come get me.

She was waiting…

1220 rolls around and I’ve finished up all my work tasks, and wait to hear from him that he’s on his way.

1230 rolls around and nothing.

Since I didn’t have my cell phone on me, I called from a work landline a few times – no answer.

I figured he may be showering or getting ready, so I do some organizing and other work while waiting.

1245 and nothing, so I call more times and nothing.

Sent more messages on messenger, nothing.

Still nothing…

I decide to run two quick errands and hope he will get back to me – when I come back to my workplace at 1300, nothing.

I try to call again and send messages and give up around 1315 and walk home.

When I arrive home, he’s fast asleep and when he awakens and notices me, he says “oh no.”

He said he slept through his alarm, obviously.

This has happened before.

However, this is not a first time occurrence and I’m annoyed, and tell him I need him to be reliable when he says he’s going to do something, or if he doesn’t believe he can not to make the offer.

He then tells me it’s my fault for leaving my phone at home, that I could have called him easier if I didn’t forget it.

He has his phone set so that if I call more than twice in a short period, it goes through even on silent.

He also then said he was up late doing errands so I should give him grace and let it go.

Now I feel bad for mentioning how I feel, and feel like I’m the one at fault here.

So AITA for leaving my phone at work today and accepting my spouse’s offer to pick me up from work?”

Let’s see what folks said on Reddit.

This person said she’s NTA.

Another individual chimed in.

This Reddit user shared their thoughts.

He might be making a mountain out of a molehill.

But she definitely isn’t.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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