
She Liked Her Best Friend’s Jacked And Decided To Get The Same One For Herself, But Now Her Best Friend Is Mad At Her For Stealing Her Style

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Liza Summer

Fashion inspiration is a real thing and sometimes it can be over the internet or simply through someone you know.

Little did this girl know that her friend might not like it if she took inspiration from her.

Find out how this girl got called a copy cat for choosing to wear the same jacket as her friend.

AITA for telling my friend she’s too sensitive after she accused me of copying her style?

My friend “Sarah” (25F) has always been super into fashion.

Recently, I (19F) started dressing up more and even bought a jacket she owns because I loved how it looked on her.

This is where it gets bad!

She got upset and said I’m “copying her vibe.”

I told her it’s just a jacket, and she should take it as a compliment.

She called me “obsessive” and said it’s weird I’m imitating her.

It got worse.

I got frustrated and told her she’s being too sensitive over something so small.

Now she’s barely talking to me, and mutual friends think I crossed a line.

AITA for not taking her feelings seriously?

YIKES! It seems like her friend overreacted, but maybe it wasn’t the first time she’d copied her friend’s style.

Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this one!

This user believes the age gap in this friendship might be the real issue.

This user wants to know what else this girl copied from her friend.

This user has the same and the most important question!

That’s right! This user also thinks that the friend is right for cutting this girl out.

This user thinks this girl has deliberately left out information in this story.

She needs to find her own style.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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