Dipping your toe into the dating pool is nerve-wracking, especially when it’s your first time.
But when one woman’s date walked out mid-conversation, she was left wondering where it all went wrong.
Read on for the full story!
AITA for asking a date where he is from
I (f24) recently started dating for the first time.
I didn’t know how to get into it, so my friend suggested her putting me up on a blind date and I agreed.
She gave me his (m26) name, and we agreed when and where to meet.
The date started off well enough.
It was a nice and warm day, although a little snowy, so I decided to get there a little early incase it would be hard to navigate myself.
The guy shows up and we start chatting.
I pick up a slight accent, and ask where he is from. Now here is where I might be the AH due to my phrasing.
But here’s where things start to get messy.
He laughs and tells me he’s “local” and I giggle and push it a little more, saying, “haha, no I can tell you’re not from here.”
The guy stops laughing, silently gets up and leaves.
Confused, she tries to figure out where she went wrong.
I’m confused, and sit there for a few minutes waiting, in case I misunderstood the situation and he went to the watercloset or something, but he doesn’t come back.
So I pay for the drinks and cancel the food, before getting up and walking out.
I call the friend who set us up once I’m home.
Apparently, she had made a grave mistake.
She tells me “He thought you acted like such an AH.”
I was apparently rude as heck and was looking at anything but him during the conversation. I am so confused.
To her credit, it’s not all her fault.
The last part I can understand, as me being blind makes it hard to understand what I’m looking at, but the rest leaves me super confused.
Here’s where I could also be the AH.
My friend also explained to me in our call that he is from the same country as me (although from the part where they also speak another language) but he is dark skinned and adopted from birth.
Looks like this woman has a lot to think about before she tries her hand at dating again.
Let’s see what Reddit made of this story.
She could have been more tactful about the way she phrased her question, but her friend also didn’t set the date up for success.
Intentions do count for something here.
But whether she meant it or not, the impact was still harmful.
This commenter concurs.
Blind dates are supposed to be full of surprises, but she hadn’t anticipated that her first foray into dating would take such a wrong turn.
But with a little effort, she’ll be much better prepared for her next date.
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