Boot camp is not the for weak!
And the person who wrote this story on Reddit had to deal not only with the hardships of Marine Corps training, but also with a bully…until revenge put the bully in her place for good.
Check out what happened in the story below!
Funny revenge story from Marine Corps boot camp.
“There was this girl (a fellow recruit) in boot camp who couldn’t stand me.
Not sure why.
It isn’t really relevant to the story, except she went out of her way to loudly criticize me at every opportunity.
Call me names, claim that I’d messed up the march, did a lousy job at cleaning, uniform was untidy.
Well, this sounds uncomfortable…
She was pretty aggressive about it.
It was annoying, but I had three younger sisters who wouldn’t hesitate to rag on me, so I mostly ignored her.
One day near the end of our training, we were put on the same Saturday morning cleaning detail.
Parris Island, South Carolina, teems with bugs of all kinds. One of the most annoying ones are oversized roaches.
We were cleaning the administrative offices when a large roach darted across the floor. I was only armed with the lid to a Brasso can, so I slammed it smartly on the roach. Cut its head off. (Amazingly good shot; I can be uncoordinated.)
Have a look at it!
I quickly scooped up the corpse and ran over to show it to my tormenter.
She screamed like the violins in the shower scene in Psycho!
It was glorious.
It didn’t hurt anybody, but I felt better.”
That was some well deserved and well played revenge!
Let’s see what people had to say on Reddit.
This reader shared thoughts about basic training.
Another individual chimed in with a story from boot camp.
This Reddit user shared a time he accidentally made his wife furious.
Another reader’s daughter was there.
I guess she wasn’t so tough after all.
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