Forgetting the keys or taking someone’s keys by mistake once in a while is absolutely normal.
But in this case, this woman’s husband keeps forgetting and taking the emergency keys with him, leaving her locked inside her house and with no way to leave.
So one day she finally had enough, but she’s wondering if she went too far with her request.
Let’s find out.
AITA for making my husband leave work to return my keys
I feel so awful about this, but my husband has a habit of forgetting/ignoring things I say.
I work from home and am always there to unlock the front door for my husband when he gets back from work.
The couple of times I’ve needed the car, I get very annoyed that he’s taken the house keys attached to the car keys with him.
She gets literally locked inside the house.
This has happened a few times, he’ll lock all the house doors in the morning and go off to work with the car keys so I can neither leave the house nor drive anywhere.
So I made sure we have two sets of keys and the second pair must always be on the console table for emergencies.
The problem is my husband started keeping the emergency keys in his work bag and if he took the car anywhere, I was again locked in the house.
This is very inconvenient for her, and she has expressed this to him before.
This recently happened again when my family was coming over and they stood at a locked door while I searched the house for his work bag.
Today I woke up very unwell and wanted to run to the chemist between meetings and pick up a book I had on hold at the library, when once again, my husband has taken the car keys.
What made me so angry was that I’ve told him this a million times and I could have had a massive emergency.
But he doesn’t validate her concerns. So she lost her patience.
He was so calm and apologetic on the phone and but that just made me angrier. I’m sick of him never listening.
So I lost it and demanded he come home immediately and drop the keys back because I need to go to the chemist.
He started apologizing and saying he has a meeting at work about to start.
I told him this is not a discussion and I expect him back home right now because I’m sick of repeating myself.
But she started feeling bad about her request.
He said he’s on his way back but I feel so awful for stressing him out while he’s at work and making him take a 40-minute journey back.
But I’m also so desperate to be heard the first time, exactly how I listen and respect his wishes.
She made him understand how inconvenient it is for her when he takes the keys.
Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this.
A reader shares their thoughts.
This commenter shares their point of view.
Those are good questions.
Another reader chimes in.
Another commenter shares their opinion.
Hopefully, he will start actively listening to her after this.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.