
Homeowners Told Their Neighbor That He Couldn’t Use Their Property To Deer Hunt, So The Neighbor Called The DNR To Report Poaching Because They Did Allow Their Son To Hunt There

Source: Reddit/Entitled People/Shutterstock

When you own some property out in the country, you will often have people ask you if they can use it for hunting.

What would you do if you told your neighbor that they could not, so they called the DNR on your son because he was allowed to hunt there?

That is what happened to the family in this story.

Let’s see how the story plays out.

Entitled neighbor called police to my parents’ house for my husband hunting on their land

My parents are retired and live in a little house on about 7 acres of land.

It’s not a big plot of land but it’s cozy and private, just outside of town, and about 6 acres are woods with a creek running through the center of the woods.

It’s really a very beautiful piece of ground.

With the woods and creek they get lots of animals going through, including deer.

A couple years ago for Christmas we got my parents a few trail cams so they can see what all is going through.

This sounds wonderful.

My mom likes photography and she’s been able to get lots of photos of deer, foxes, wild turkeys, coyotes, and other wildlife going through their yard.

As you may imagine, this is some prime hunting land.

My husband occasionally enjoys hunting and has from time to time gone down there for deer season but he doesn’t do it frequently.

My parents have had several people stop and ask them to hunt their land and they always say no.

This makes sense.

Frankly its just barely big enough to legally hunt and they don’t want people all over their property all the time hunting.

They have no problem anytime my husband wants to hunt, which is not often, but he’s family.

There is a neighbor who lives down the road who badly wants to hunt on my parents land and has been told no repeatedly, they don’t allow hunting.

Last year my husband was in the woods and found a tree stand installed that wasn’t his.

Wow, he stole the SD cards?

Unfortunately when they checked the trail cams, the SD cards had been removed.

No proof it’s that neighbor, but they suspect him.

My parents travel a lot so it would be really easy to do without their knowledge.

My husband took the tree stand down and I believe the cameras were replaced with new ones that don’t need SD cards.

Her husband went deer hunting.

Last month before deer season started the neighbor again asked my parents to hunt and they said no, they don’t allow hunting except their son-in-law if he wants to hunt.

My husband decided he’d try and get a deer this year for deer season so he got a deer permit and went on the first day of deer season.

He shot a decent sized buck within 10 minutes of getting in the woods.

My dad was awake and heard the shotgun blast and came out to see if my husband needed help.

Someone called the police.

My husband got the deer field dressed then my dad, who is the nicest guy you’d ever meet, got his tractor out of the garage and drove it to the woods, scooped up the deer in the bucket, and put it in the bed of my husband’s truck.

So, hunting ended pretty quickly into deer season this year.

About an hour later, a county sheriff’s deputy and a game warden show up at my parents’ house.

Said they received a complaint of unauthorized hunting and deer poaching.

That neighbor is really out of line here.

The officer said the neighbor (actually gave his name) called and said they had been told repeatedly there was no hunting allowed on that ground.

They had seen someone go into the woods with a shotgun, heard a shot, and then someone with an orange tractor picked up the deer and put it in the bed of a black pickup truck.

In our state if you are caught poaching, they can confiscate your firearm, any hunting gear you have with you, and any vehicles used in the course of hunting/poaching.

So the neighbor was really hopeful that they’d take my husband’s gun, truck, and my dad’s tractor.

What a waste of time for the DNR.

My dad said “This is my house and my land! And the orange tractor is mine. The black truck belongs to my son-in-law who has permission to hunt here anytime he wants.”

My husband produced his valid deer tags and all was good.

Also, screw that neighbor who had to be watching the woods with binoculars.

There’s no way he could have seen all that from his yard otherwise.

This nosy neighbor needs to give up and find his own place to hunt.

Let’s see what the people in the comments on Reddit say about this story.

This is a really good idea.

Yes, get him trespassed.

I’m sure he was bow hunting as well.

This would be very scary.

The game wardens mean business.

This neighbor needs to be stopped.

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