
Her Mom Told Her To Complain To Her Dad About Not Having Money, So She Finally Did And It Led To Dad Stepping In And Mom Losing Everything

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

In a perfect world, all kids would be raised by two parents who love them, or at least the parents would be doing their best.

What would you do if your mom was raising you but neglected you for years and always blamed your father for everything?

That is what happened to the woman in this story, so finally she called her bluff and got dad involved, which led mom to losing everything.

Check it out.

I did what my mom told me to do, and got revenge.

So, just some back story here: my parents divorced when I was just in Kindergarten so no more than 6.

My mom got full custody of us and she suffered from mental illness (I believe she has borderline personality disorder, and she was also a typical narcissistic parent).

Anyway, ever since the divorce she would always tell us how it was not her fault we didn’t have enough money for things and blame my dad.

For example, if there was nothing to eat for breakfast and we complained like small children do when they were hungry, she snapped, “It’s your father’s fault so cry to him.”

I just learned never to complain and do without and spent my childhood taking care of her.

My sister and I were trained from when I was about 8 (my sister 10) to come right home from school and do our homework and clean the house and take care of ourselves.

Don’t ask mom to make dinner, make it yourself, and all of the chores so Mom doesn’t have to do anything.

It sounds bizarre but we though that was normal as well as being hit and told on a daily basis that we were worthless.

It got worse.

My senior year of high school, my grandma died a few months before that summer and my mom quit her job and blew through the money my grandma left her before the summer was over (this was close to 75k back in 2000).

She refused to get another job and kept coming up with excuses not to work (i.e. “I need a break.” “Get off my back.” “I hurt my leg.” Etc) while she was going out drinking with her friend and acting like a carefree teenager.

So, I spent my senior year working hard at school, at my part time job after school, and pretty much taking care of an overgrown child who refused to work or help out.

Any time a utility shut off or there was no food left in the house she just griped, “You have a job. Why can’t you pay it?”

If I brought up the fact that my dad sent her child support, she would just complain that she had my sister’s tuition (which I later learn was a lie).

People like this are the worst.

She would flaunt that child support check and laugh and refer to it as, “Mommy’s Paycheck”.

Flash forward to when I am about to choose a college and my mom keeps bellyaching about the costs and of course has 0 saved in a college fund.

I couldn’t afford a private university since I only was offered a partial scholarship so I decided to go to a reasonably priced and still highly regarded state university.

My freshman year I was pretty much able to swing the cost of tuition and room and board (I lived on campus) since last year of high school I filed my taxes and FAFSA as soon as my w2’s came in so I had a decent amount of grants.

During my first year of college, I almost became unable to receive financial aid for my second year of college.


My w2’s were mailed to my home address and my mom being the caring and supportive mother she was, shredded them and threw them in the trash.

I found out because my sister was home that weekend and saw it.

My mom denied and when I came home for Spring break and pressed her for it she lied and said her friend had them (her friend was a CPA).

My sister called my mom out on this bluff by calling the friend who said she did not have any of our tax information.

She was very concerned and told me and my sister to request duplicate w2’s and have them sent home and she will have my mom send them over to me.

People like this hate when someone calls their bluff.

My mom was mad that we had checked with her friend and called her out on her bluff but true to her word her friend did my taxes for me and my FAFSA.

(I had offered to pay her or at least baby sit for her but she told me it was okay. I think she knew my mom was mentally unstable and felt sorry for me and my sister).

At this point I learned that my mom had not been helping out my sister at all with tuition like she claimed.

My sister had mentioned it to my dad who had called her out and demanded to know where the child support was going to.

My mom insisted he wasn’t paying her enough $ and that’s why she couldn’t help us out.

During my second year of college my w2s were once again sent home and my mom once again “accidentally” threw them in trash.

I had to request duplicate w2’s from my summer job not just once but twice because she kept throwing them in the trash.

I filed my tax return late that year and as a result my Fafsa was filed late so I wasn’t able to get the full amount I was receiving before.

Any time I complained to her about money or no food in the house it was, “Complain to your father.”

Well, the summer before my third year I was burned out on my mom’s antics.

I was working full time for the summer and saving as much as I could but she was refusing to help me out at all while I was home with food or anything.

She was angry that instead of paying the phone bill so she could make long distance calls to her online friends and spend all day in chat rooms (this was back when we had dial up).

I had the audacity to spend my hard earned money on a cell phone and pay that bill myself.

She really doesn’t care for her kids at all.

She told everyone I should just drop out because I wasn’t apply myself hard enough (I was in the honors program).

She would play martyr with all her friends about “it’s so hard when you have kids in college and they eat your out of house and home and come to you for money.”

At the end of the summer I had saved a thousand dollars but the school won’t let me move into the dorm unless I paid 50% up front which I was about 10k.

I didn’t know what to do as all summer the university had told me I was fine and then on move in day told me I couldn’t move into the dorm.

I called my dad in a panic and he spoke to someone who agreed to give me 24 hours.

I moved in and the next day my dad showed up first thing with a coffee and a donut for me and told me not to worry: he was going to fix this once and for all.

We went from office to office on campus and he cosigned a loan (which he later paid off for me) and then he paid the balance on my tuition for the loan didn’t cover.

He then took me out to lunch and told me the truth: my mom never helped my sister with her tuition (my sister had graduated the summer before my junior year of college).

My sister later confirmed this but was not surprised my mom had lied.

My dad had cosigned loan to help my sister out (which he later paid off for her) and my sister was able to get a scholarship and do coop to pay for her last two years.

He also advised me that my mom was not so poorly off: as part of the divorce settlement he had to pay the mortgage and property taxes on our house.

Even though my sister was now out on her own he was still paying her the same amount of child support of about 2k a month, despite the fact that I was living on campus for 75% of the year and my mom was not giving me a dime.

(just to give you some clarification: my tuition and room and board before financial aid kicked in was 15k a year so she could have easily helped me out with school since after financial aid kicked in, when I was able to get it, the balance was usually 6k)

I was hurt to think my mom was just living off my child support and constantly making me feel guilty for wanting anything or for not being able to cater to her every whim.

(she would get mad that I wouldn’t come home on the weekends to help her clean the house that I was not living in).

I thought about how bad she made me feel growing up and made me feel worthless when in fact, had it not been for me or my sister she would have not had a roof over her head after the divorce.

He asks me to grant him access to my account so he could prove my mom was not paying for college and that I was.

He asked me how I would feel if he took care of college instead of paying my mom child support.

Sounded good to me.

I wonder why it took dad so long to step up.

He even told me I could spend my breaks at his house instead of my mom’s.

I called my mom and told her that my dad had taken care of the issue and she had no remorse.

She told me it was my own fault for not planning my finances better and for wasting my money all summer.

I just played it dumb and said she was right but pointed out I had done what she told me to do and complained to my dad.

A month later my mom called me up MAD!

My dad had spoken with the courts and there was going to be a hearing in their divorce case.

My dad had proven that my mom had not been paying for mine nor my sister’s tuition for college and that was the very reason my dad was obligated to pay child support till I was done college.

Since I was living on campus, it didn’t make sense to pay her child support when I was not living at home most of the year and she was given me one penny.

My dad told the judge he would gladly pay for me to finish college but he was not going to pay my mom anymore child support nor pay the mortgage on the house.

If my mom didn’t want to take over the mortgage, they could sell the house and I could live with him over my breaks.

My mom was freaking out over this and calling me selfish.

I just reminded her that my tuition must cost a lot more than what she got in child support since she was never able to help me with costs of school.

She just kept laying guilt trips on me about how I was selfish because she didn’t get to go to college right after high school and how she never got to have four care free years of college.

I pointed out to her that she had not worked since my grandma passed about 3 years ago and that I was working and going to school at that time while she got to live a carefree life.

She pretty much ripped me a new one at that point.

Why did she think that would hurt him?

She tried to get back at my dad by not paying utilities on the house to make it seem like she needed the money.

She then told me that the electric and water were now shut off so if I wanted to come home for winter break I needed to help her out (she had moved in with her boyfriend at his condo).

I just told her that I would miss her but that I would just go to my dad’s for winter break.

She was mad and cried about how selfish I was for not wanting to come home for Christmas.

I told my mom that I would come and visit her over my winter break once she got the utilities turned on.

I told my dad what was going on and he said he and my stepmom and my half brother and sister were thrilled I was going to stay with them for winter break and he can get me a job in his office as well for winter break!

He also called my mom and reminded her that the child support had not stopped, and they were going to list the house in a few months so what was this nonsense about the utilities being shut off?

She was mad but magically came up with the money to turn them back on.

That spring my dad took officially by the court took over my college tuition and he even made sure I got my full financial aide since he had picked up w2s for me.

Good, she doesn’t deserve a dime.

My mom lost her child support and was told by the judge that she better cooperate with the sale of the house and keep up with the utility bills etc. so it would sell.

Her boyfriend moved in with her till the house sold and she moved to another time zone.

The real kicker?

It was cheaper for my dad to pay college costs, than to pay her child support!

To summarize, my mom abused and exploited me and I got my revenge my causing her to lose her child support and free rent by doing what she told me to do for years: complain to my father.

No regrets!

What an awful mother, I’m glad Dad finally stepped up.

Let’s see what the people in the comments have to say.

This person had a similar childhood.

He should have tried to step in much earlier.

It sounds like Mom poisoned her against Dad for years.

Some parents are the worst.

It was a very sad story.

Mom finally got exactly what she asked for.

It should have happened a lot sooner, though.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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