It is sad when a child has to go into the foster care system, but it is even worse when the foster parent isn’t as caring as they should be.
The young woman in this story was feeling neglected by her foster parent, so she brought up her concerns to her social worker.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work out the way the foster child hoped.
Let’s read all the details.
AITA for calling out my foster carer in front of my social worker??
I (17f) have lived in my current foster home for a little over a year.
I immediately got bad vibes on the foster carer on the first day.
I don’t know she just gave me off energy though that could’ve just been me being judgmental.
There is another girl who’s been living in the same foster home for about 5 to 6 years before me (she is also 17 and for the sake of the story I’ll call her May).
What a blessing to have a friend there.
We became friends and she told me before I came that Jane (the foster carer) had showed her my PERSONAL FILE and asked for her opinion about me.
Since then, Jane has been chatting the most about me to May. (she tells me everything.)
Jane calls me rude, says I’m a bad influence. That I’m disrespectful, lazy and have no manners and apparently ‘act like this is my house.’
Jane likes to rave and brag about how good of a foster care she is and how long she’s been in the company, she does a lot of things to make herself look good in front of the social workers.
It is sad that some foster parents are like this.
About a week ago, my social worker came over to help me with a housing application since I wasn’t allowed to stay after 18 because Jane wouldn’t get money to take care of me.
Jane said those exact words to May by the way.
During the meeting my social worker said something that completely set me off.
I had to go at Jane saying that she’s a useless foster carer and that she doesn’t do anything and that she doesn’t care.
Jane didn’t even care when OP was sick.
A week before the meeting, I was really ill with a chest infection and not once did Jane ask if I was okay.
Her DAUGHTER made me food and tea for the entire week while Jane said literally nothing to me.
After about four days Jane asked if I wanted cough medicine and I said no.
She never asked how I was doing.
She really should have been more concerned.
I brought this up during the meeting and told my social worker how Jane never asked how I was doing when I was ill.
Jane immediately got defensive and went into the other room.
She got the medicine just to prove a point that she had bought medicine for me.
I also brought up how she actively chats about me in the house.
I never said where I got the source from. I just said I could hear from upstairs.
She pointed out the difference in how she is treated versus how May is treated.
She called me a liar and swore to God that she would never do that.
I also made a point that on my birthday she didn’t say happy birthday to me until later on in the day.
She didn’t get me a card. She didn’t get me a gift. She didn’t get me a cake.
I also said that when it was May’s birthday, everyone went out to Nando‘s while I didn’t get anything. No one asked if I wanted to go out for my birthday.
Oh, now she offers.
To which Jane responded, “Oh do you want to go out this weekend?”
I said no because it defeated the whole purpose and it also proved that she was trying to put on a show in front of the social workers.
After my social worker left we had a conversation and ‘sorted things out’.
As I was going back to my room I heard her on the phone to my social worker telling her everything that we had just spoke about, furthermore proving my point that she’s only in it to make herself look good.
It is the social worker’s job to look into this type of thing, so it was appropriate to tell her about it.
Let’s see what the people in the comments on Reddit have to say.
Here is a caring mother wishing her the best.
This person says to say it in private next time.
Here is someone saying to focus on future housing.
This commenter read about this type of thing.
This person says the social worker needed to know about it.
This story is just heartbreaking.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.