
He Agreed To Loan His Girlfriend $50, But When She Refused To Pay Him Back, He Broke Up With Her

close up of one dollar bills


Money comes between people a lot, but sometimes it’s less about the money and more about how it’s handled.

You can learn something from the way people treat these matters.

In this story, one man actually ended his relationship with his girlfriend over $50, but was it really about the $50?

Let’s read all the details.

AITA for ending my relationship with my new girlfriend because she wouldn’t pay me back my $50 and told me I was acting desperate and that it was unattractive?

My girlfriend and I have been dating for three months so it’s still fairly new.

So far it had been going okay.

The girlfriend asked for a loan.

About two weeks ago, she asked me if I could loan her $50.

I told her that I didn’t have it but she reassured me that she will pay me back in two days when she gets paid so I wouldn’t even notice.

I took her word for it and gave her the money.

So a little nudge is in order?

When the day she said she would pay me back came by, she doesn’t say anything with regards to that we just chat as normal.

The following day, I gently remind her about it and she says that she hasn’t forgotten and then changed the subject.

More days follow and she basically acts like it never happened.

Maybe a bigger nudge?

At the end of that week, I bring it up and remind her that I loaned her money I didn’t have because I trusted her word so I really need her to pay me back.

She gets all offended and says that it’s unattractive that I’m acting so desperate over $50, she will pay it back when she has it.

Then we reach the breaking point:

When more time passed and it was clear that she had no intention of paying me back or at least giving me a reason why she couldn’t, I decided that it was best to end the relationship.

She said wow over $50? Cool.

Then she blocked me.

She’s the one who made a big deal over $50!

Let’s see what the comments on Reddit have to say.

A lot of people saw a con in action:

She was likely testing the waters:

Also, when you’re not rich, this isn’t trivial.

Sometimes, the money isn’t really about the money.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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