It can be easy to miss sometimes how when we think we’re being nice, we’re actually being thoughtless.
And sometimes we don’t hear just how long we’re going on about a topic everyone else is tired of hearing about.
That may be the case for someone in the life of Reddit user @Careful-Solid-8242.
WIBTA If I told my boyfriends mom to stop using my disability as an example of how “good of a mother” she is?
I am partly blind, this has never affected my work and I can do everything just fine.
It also doesn’t affect me on an emotional level as I was born this way and I honestly don’t give it much thought
So far normal, but read on.
Me and my boyfriend have only been dating for about 5 months now but I met his mother really early in our relationship.
We work at the same restaurant and she often came to have coffee here.
This post is not to bash her in anyway she is an amazing woman and we get along really well.
The issue I have is that she always strongly stated that she has always told my boyfriend that she doesn’t care who he dates as long as he is happy.
Her words “fat, slim, tall, blonde, brunette, white, Hispanic, black, I do not care as long as she makes my son happy.
At this point most of us realize where this is going, and are cringing.
She found out about my disability when she noticed I need to be really close to things to be able to read something and asked me about it.
Now whenever she goes on her rent of “idc who my son dates” she makes it a point to bring up my partial blindness as an example of the categories she has listed.
This honestly makes me quite uncomfortable and I’m sure she doesn’t mean it in a harmful way.
That is why I am wondering if I would be the [jerk] to bring it up with her or just suck it up and deal with it because she’s quite a people pleaser.
I know she will be VERY upset to find out she is making me uncomfortable because I’m sure she doesn’t realize how that might be offensive to me.
So, WIBTA If I told my boyfriends mom to stop bringing my disability up as an example of how “good of a mother” she is?
Let’s hit the comments:
I appreciate your love, but I don’t need you to validate my existence:
You could call her out:
One way or another, she needs to get past this:
Long story short, if you truly don’t care about this or that quality in someone, it doesn’t need to be brought up.
Sometimes people just can’t read the room.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.