Anyone with siblings knows how tough it can be to get along with them at different times.
It’s a fact of life!
And this woman sounds like she’s in a really tough spot…
Is she taking things too far with her sister?
Read on and see what you think.
AITA for telling my sister I won’t let her see our dying mother?
“I was born to a single mother who had my older sister (32F), who is actually my half sister, from another man that she left when my sister was about three years old.
At Christmas dinner, our entire family gathered, so we caught up.
I have a really difficult but well paying job, one that exhausts me.
Having a single mother with no stable income of any kind, reliable job etc in the past, I’ve had to skip meals quite often and I absolutely fear going back to that.
They’re determined to have a good life.
So I’ve made clear that my goal is to keep the income I have right now at any cost.
My sister was quick to comment that since I have a well paying job, (and possibility of a raise in the future) then I have to be the one who will entirely financially cover our mother’s medical bills and needs towards the end of her life.
it didn’t sound like a joke.
This is sad…
My mom is chronically ill and has always been.
She has arthritis, psoriasis, is on immunosuppressants, has had cancer, as well as being overweight and recently having had to go through surgery because her stomach was in a terrible state.
I supported her as much as I could, but these ridiculous amounts rack up quickly in cost.
I had to borrow money, and it was hell to pay off.
My sister never, EVER, helped.
I answered “You’ve never done anything for her before and you still won’t do anything for her when she needs you most. I’m tired of you acting like I or she owe you anything when you could never do anything yourself.”
She got extremely upset, at first telling me I was overreacting and that it was “just logic” that I’d be the one paying for our mom.
But it isn’t the first time she’s putting our mother’s care in my hands and using us for money while she spends what little she has on restaurants and things that aren’t necessary.
She then went off rails and started accusing my mother of never doing anything for her either, being a selfish woman and many more things that upset everyone at the table.
You’re outta here!
I outright told her to shut up and to get out of my house and added that, considering I WILL be taking care of our mother, I won’t be letting her see her again, even when time comes that she’s on her death bed.
She told me to go **** myself, that I was being unreasonable, etc.
We haven’t spoken since, but my grandma says she’s still mad at me and regularly talks **** about me.
Check out what Reddit users had to say.
One person said they both suck.
Another individual said she’s an *******.
This Reddit user chimed in.
Another person shared their thoughts.
And this person chimed in.
She did what she had to do.
But people definitely think she went too far.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.