
Her Niece Came Over For A Little Bit of Support, But Now Her Sister-In-Law Is Furious

Source: Reddit/AITA

If you have kids, you should be of the opinion that the more people they have that they can trust, the better.

After all, it takes a village, and everyone needs community.

This woman wanted to be there for her adult niece, but was shocked that her sister-in-law didn’t feel the same way.

Check out the details.

AITA for not telling my sister in law that her adult daughter was with me?

My 28 y/o niece (on my husbands side) was away at college and struggling one day… called me sad, crying, and desperate.

Her Mom and Stepdad were in Europe traveling.

She was lonely and depressed.

I told her she was welcome to come visit for the weekend and she was so happy to do so.

28 is a little older than usual to be going to college in the U.S., but definitely not unheard of.

Especially if it’s a grad program, or even a PHD.

I bought her a plane ticket and we picked her up from the airport.

She was under pressure from her parents and school and we just lent her a pressure free environment, drank wine, and listened.

We assessed that she was okay and there was no reason for concern.

She didn’t want to tell her mom she was at our house and asked us not to either.

We agreed and said it’s her story to tell…. but we also won’t lie if asked.

She is also 28 going to college out of state (as are my own kids and I go week(s) at a time without hearing from them).

And then the aftermath came.

Her mom didn’t hear from her in a day or two so she went on to call all of her friends to find out where she was…got wind she was at our house and went OFF on us.

Scathing barrage of text messages, berating voice messages.

Made us to be villains.

I didn’t want to deal with it so I ended up ignoring her.

Was I wrong for not calling her mom and secretly telling her mom she was at my house?


What say we, internet?

As is often the case, someone offered an entire script:

Also, this is clearly part of a larger problem:

Why wouldn’t they be grateful?

While 28 isn’t old by any means, she’s far from a child.

She’s owed her autonomy.

The hardest place to look is inward.

Take a chill pill, mom.

Maybe literally.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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