
Mom Constantly Turns Every Conversation Into a Guilt Trip, So Her Kid Finally Snaps With Sarcasm

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/

Some parents give advice. Others give never-ending monologues about how hard their life was.

This girl’s mom falls into the latter category, turning every conversation—whether about food, Google, or fluffy dogs—into a speech about her struggles.

After years of hearing the same thing on repeat, she finally cracked. But was the sarcasm justified, or just plain rude?

Let’s read all the details.

AITA because I talked sarcastically to my mother after she started talking about her life?

So my mother has been divorced since I was four years old and ever since I was a teenager until young adult she has been talking about her regrets and even how unhappy she was when she was young.

However she also has another habit I hate regarding this, where I would say something like how I don’t want to eat too much because I’m full, and she’ll be like “when I was your age, my parents never asked me what I want and if I’m full. We always eat the same thing over and over again.”

Another is about candy.

I would be talking about how I don’t like eating too much candy and she’d be like “I grew up eating sweets and now I can’t stop eating sweets even though I know it’s unhealthy… you’re so lucky you don’t like to eat a lot of sweets.”

Mind you she says this EVERY DAY.

Nothing like a daily guilt trip disguised as conversation.

And the most infuriating is when I would ask something innocent like “What’s the name of the small, fluffy dog breed?”

And if she doesn’t know she’d be like “You have google now, every information can be found in your phone.”

Then she says “Back in my day I have so many questions and could never be answered because we have to go to the library. You’re so lucky to be living in the digital age.”

This doesn’t sound annoying to you, but she also says something like this every day.

Who doesn’t love a classic “back in my day” speech?

Now this was regarding yesterday.

I was eating lamb shank for dinner and I asked my mother which part of the lamb the shank is.

She then says the usual google stuff on the top paragraph but I got sick of hearing the same thing over and over again.

So I said sarcastically “yeah yeah I know your life is hard you were miserable, you had no phone or technology when you were younger. You say this everyday. What do you want me to do? I can’t do anything about your past. This is why I don’t like talking to you sometimes you always make things so serious when it was just a simple question.”

And there’s the guilt trip.

She then looked at me and was like “You’re always so defensive and you never want to listen to anyone whenever people lecture you for good reasons. What is wrong with you? I’m already in my 50s, so of course I don’t always remember what I say and repeat it a lot. I always hate how defensive you get whenever people talk to you.”

I have rarely said sarcastically to my mother, but when you hear the same stuff everyday you just.. crack you know?

And yes, I can be defensive… but this was something so minor and I just hate how serious she makes everything.


It is annoying to hear the same thing every day. Even if her mother doesn’t realize she’s repeating herself, she’s still repeating herself.

Reddit has thoughts…

This person says no one is a jerk here, it’s just a communication issue.

But this person says everyone stinks!

And this person got down and dirty with the realism.

When every conversation is a history lesson, sometimes you just want to drop the class.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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