When people go back on their word, it’s hard not to feel frustrated, especially when it puts you in a tough spot.
So, what would you do if someone promised to help you during one of the biggest moments of your life, only to back out at the last minute with an excuse that didn’t quite add up? Would you let it slide? Or would you hold them to the same standards they set for themselves?
In the following story, an expectant mother finds herself in this exact scenario with her mother. Here’s what’s going on.
WIBTA if I tell my mom she can’t come see my newborn if she refuses to come watch my other kiddos like she said she would?
I’m 38 weeks pregnant, and early on, I asked my mom if my MIL could be my second support person as she has never been involved in a grandchild’s birth, and this will be the last chance she’ll have.
My mom said that was perfect because she doesn’t know what she’d do with her dog (this is a whole other can of worms I’m not gonna go into). Also, side note: my mom doesn’t work so she doesn’t have anything else going on.
Dr said today that the baby is on the way. I’m 3cm dilated, 70% effaced, and the baby is in a -2 position. I also have an induction set for next week, so the baby will be here very soon.
I sent group texts to my mom and MIL, but my mom never responded to anything, so I called her. She said she was busy and didn’t have time to respond.
Now, the mom is trying to be difficult.
Then, she stated that there is so much snow where she is(2 hours away), so she may not be able to come to watch the kids for us when I go into labor. She said this knowing no one else can do it except my MIL, whom I’ve already told she could be in the delivery room with me, and is so excited.
I would understand her reasoning, except my dad has a one-ton Dodge truck. They came out on December 16th to drop off presents to store for Christmas (they live in a camper) and Christmas Eve, and both times, they were in a blizzard with several inches, if not feet, of snow.
But now it’s too dangerous? Like you drove two hours one way in the snow just to drop off presents and turn around and go back home.
So, I want to tell my mom that she can’t come see the newborn until snow season is over if she can’t come to watch the kids with snow on the ground.
Wow! It’s easy to see why the daughter is upset.
Let’s see what advice the people over at Reddit have to offer.
This is mean.
True, but the mother had offered to help.
Here are some good thoughts.
It does feel like a power play.
It’s time to make other plans. Apparently, the mother does not want to help like she said she would, so it’s time to find another friend and family member to step in.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.