
Mom Wants Her Daughter To Spend Time With Her Visiting Cousin, But She Only Wants To Spend Time With The Cousin On Her Terms

young woman sitting on messy bed


If you have a family member visiting from out of town, it’s important to spend time with them. After all, that’s why they are in town visiting.

In today’s story, one teen doesn’t seem to want to spend that much time with her younger cousin, and the more her mom pushes her to spend time with her cousin, the more upset she gets.

Is the teen wrong, or is the mom pushing too hard?

Let’s read all the details to decide.

AITA for setting a boundary with my mom that cost me a trip?

I’m 19F, and I recently had a really hurtful situation with my mom that I need perspective on.

My 13F cousin, E, came over from Washington, and my mom wanted me to spend time with her.

I had already spent quality time with E earlier, and after coming home from the gym, I took a shower.

I was about to get dressed when my mom knocked on my door insisting that E come into my room.

She wanted to clean her room first.

I told her I wasn’t ready because my room was a mess and I needed a minute to clean up( I had a long week prior to this and she knows that).

Instead of understanding, she kept pushing.

She said things like, “When do you ever care about your room being dirty?” and even called me selfish, claiming that I always make everything about myself.

She’s being punished for not letting E in.

Later on, she ended up taking away a trip I had planned with my friends.

A trip I’d already spent money on.

She eventually came into my room, and say “I’m sorry, okay” and left immediately without comforting me or really discussing what happened.

Now, she’s texting asking if E can come in again.

She’s really upset.

I’m feeling really sad and hurt.

All I was trying to do was help her out by spending time with E on my own terms, and instead, she made it seem like I don’t care about her or the favor she asked of me.

So, AITA for setting a boundary and being upset about the way she treated me

Perhaps she and her mom should’ve discussed expectations before the visit so they had clear boundaries established ahead of time.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted.

This person reminds OP that she’s an adult now.

There are multiple reasons she might not want her cousin in her room.

What exactly does her mom mean by “spend time” with E?

It might be helpful to have a heart to heart with her mom.

Boundaries are important.

It’s time for baby to grow up!

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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