
Neighbor Asked For A Refund Because Her Son Was Getting Bored At Daycare, But The Woman Running The Daycare Refused To Provide A Refund

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

Finding the appropriate daycare for your children can be difficult.

This woman runs a daycare for young toddlers.

Her neighbor asked for a favor, but when her children didn’t like the daycare, this neighbor seemed to think she was above the rules.

Read the story below for all the details.

AITA for not refunding a neighbor for childcare costs because of my contract

I run a daycare out of my home.

I did childcare for my neighbor.

She lives across the street and one house over a few years ago.

This woman’s neighbor asked for a favor.

She had another child, and was pregnant with her 3rd when she contacted me.

She was asking if I would take her kids again.

It was just until her baby was born.

It was part time, but her baby was 7 months old.

She accepted the kids despite their age.

I typically didn’t watch children under 1 year.

They need a lot of attention, and I had more than her children to tend to.

I also didn’t have any kids her older son’s age, but I agreed anyway.

The contract stated no refunds.

I have a contract, and it said that childcare fees are due on the 1st of the month for the month.

I require one month’s notice if you are leaving, and refunds will not be issued.

The neighbor’s son got bored.

Her son complained after the first day because he was bored and had no one to play with.

She knew that, and she knew I had a free play daycare.

Kids play with what they want when they want.

She explained the rule about crafts.

They just have to ask for craft supplies.

Because I had young kids, I wouldn’t leave supplies out for the kids.

Also, I didn’t plan daily art and craft activities when I have such young kids because they can’t do a lot of things.

She couldn’t give him all her attention.

I have many kids most days they were here, so I couldn’t sit with him to do the activities.

This is especially true.

I’m also tending to his 7-month-old younger sister.

Her neighbor asked for a partial refund.

She came by a couple weeks ago.

She was dropping off the kids.

Both were crying, so she left.

After she left, she messaged me asking for a partial refund.

She thinks her neighbor was unreasonable.

She was annoyed because I didn’t have planned activities for a 4-year-old boy.

I would have to sit with him to do said activity.

But I’m looking after 5 other children, including a 7-month-old infant.

She didn’t refund her neighbor.

I told her I didn’t do refunds as per the contract.

My husband said to keep the peace with neighbors, so I should just give a refund.

I said no.

Now, she’s conflicted if she did the right thing.

She was being unreasonable.

I was doing her a favour taking her kids, especially since her baby was so young.

AITA for not refunding the fees because my contract stated that I wouldn’t?

While she certainly doesn’t have to refund the money, if she wants to be friends with these neighbors, it would be the nice thing to do.

Let’s see what others have to say about this on Reddit.

This person shares a valid point.

Stick to your contract, says this person.

This user shares their honest opinion.

Another personal remark from this person.

Finally, short and straightforward.

If you sign it, then you have to follow it.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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