Picking a room in a shared house can be tricky.
This woman‘s whole family wanted to go to their holiday home by the beach.
This includes her younger sister who had just given birth.
Apparently some of the bedrooms are nicer than others, and the sisters are fighting over who gets what room.
Read the story below for all the details.
AITA for not giving my sister(30f) and her new baby(2 days old) the bedroom I(33f) chose at our family holiday house?
My family has a holiday house.
It’s on the coast, and it’s very old, but it’s beachfront.
And it’s surrounded by nature, great cafes, and eateries.
This woman’s sister had just given birth.
Our family has been planning to come down here for months.
However, my sister was always tentatively coming.
It’s due to her being heavily pregnant.
She gave birth on the 2nd of January.
I was there for the birth.
Her sister wanted the two best rooms of the holiday house.
The following day, my partner and I decided to head to our holiday house as planned.
My sister, her new baby, her 3-year-old, and her partner said they wanted to take two rooms.
They wanted the two best ones because she just had a baby, and they wanted to bring their days-old baby to the holiday house.
But she and her partner have already taken one of the requested rooms.
My partner and I had already set up in one of the rooms they requested.
We had intentionally come down earlier.
We wanted to nab a good room.
This is because I have severe skin allergies.
Downstairs is very dusty in our holiday house.
She gets eczema in the other rooms.
I get eczema flare ups pretty bad, even when it’s just cleaned, and I use my own bedding from home.
I slept down there for one night previously, and I ended up having a flare up that lasted more than two months.
AITA for refusing to give up my room for my sister and her newborn baby?
It sounds like she needs to sleep in the room she picked for her health condition. She should explain this to her sister.
Let’s find out what others have to say about this on Reddit.
This user shares their honest opinion.
Here’s another personal thought from this person.
People are siding with OP.
This person is calling the sister highly entitled.
And finally, people are shocked, too.
An old holiday house is not a place for a newborn.
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