When you put in all the work and someone else coasts by, it’s frustrating, especially when they expect you to bail them out at the last minute.
So, what would you do if you carried a group project entirely on your own, only for your unhelpful partner to demand more from you after the semester ended? Would you sacrifice your time and energy to help them pass? Or would you let them deal with the consequences of their own actions?
In today’s article, one student finds themselves facing this very decision and is unsure why they should help their classmate. Here’s what’s going on.
WIBTA if I didn’t go to campus which makes another student fail her final exam?
This semester, our lecturer assigned a WordPress project that would be reviewed in each lecture for marks.
The practical part of our final exam would be based on this project, requiring us to demonstrate and answer questions about our work.
I partnered with a girl who provided no assistance throughout the semester.
Her project partner may not pass the class.
While I pulled multiple all-nighters to complete the project, she spent her time watching movies and taking selfies.
Despite my efforts to help her, including creating tutorial videos at her request, she failed to watch them and thus performed poorly in the weekly assessments.
As a result, she received low pre-final marks and needed high marks in the final exam to pass. Although I successfully completed the project and passed, she did not.
The lecturer has given her a second chance to pass the final.
At this point, they don’t see a point in helping.
The project is saved on my laptop, and transferring it to hers has proven problematic.
Despite my extensive efforts to help her throughout the semester, I now have to wake up early and go to campus during the summer to bring my laptop.
I don’t have my own car; I have to use public transportation, which means I have to wake up really early.
I find this extremely unfair, given her lack of effort and responsibility. I am pretty sure even if I go, she will fail again, so why should I?
She’s wondering if she should go through with her plan.
I can’t tell her I am intending not to come either, because I have no excuse to not go other than I don’t want to help someone that didn’t help herself and me the entire semester.
I am planning to ghost her the day of the second chance exam.
Yikes! That’s quite a situation to be in.
Let’s see what the people over at Reddit have to say about it.
Here’s some life advice.
This is a good way to handle it.
According to this person, she did no work, so there’s no obligation to keep carrying her through.
Another person thinks she should get a heads up.
The best thing to do is be honest.
If you liked this post, you might want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school’s administration a lesson after they made a sick kid take a final exam.