
Pregnant Woman’s Mother-In-Law Demands Baby Scan Photos And Calls Her Fat, But She’s Hesitant To Tell Her To Back Off

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Expecting their first child, this woman and her husband are facing some serious boundary issues with her overzealous mother-in-law.

From claiming she’s going to be a “mom” again to demanding ultrasound scans, MIL’s behavior is spiraling out of control.

The mom-to-be wants to put a stop to this outlandish behavior, but she’s not sure how to do it.

Read on for the full story.

AITA for standing my ground with a crazy mother in law

AITA for standing my ground with my MIL?

My husband and I are expecting our first baby in June this year, it is the first grandchild on both sides of the family.

My MIL was always a bit crazy prior to me getting pregnant but seems to have gone up a notch now. She has said things like ‘I can’t wait to tell people I’m going to be a mum again.’

Sounds like MIL is trying to steal the spotlight from the parents-to-be, and that’s just not okay.

She even told someone I was pregnant and they doubted her so she reassured them by saying ‘no look at how fat she’s getting’ while I was standing beside them & made a complete song and a dance about how she needed to be the first person to buy our baby clothes and it’s going home from hospital outfit.

The list goes on about how she’s amazing and no one will ever birth children like she did.

What really tipped me over the edge recently was to do with our scan of the baby.

For context we live in the Uk and you are provided 2 ultrasound scans, one at 12 weeks and another at 20 weeks they will usually print 3/4 pictures of the scan for you to take but this is ones they chose and your given what your given.

MIL was quite demanding.

When we went to visit I had shown the first 12 week scan and she demanded to keep it.

I explained that as it’s a free scan with the NHS we only get a few and she can’t keep it as it is special to us, I did however take a photocopy of it to give to her.

This is no longer good enough for the 20 week scan and she is now calling me and telling my husband he needs to bring her one of the scan photos as it’s her grandchild to.

Her husband is no help.

I am now fed up having to explain to my husband how this woman makes me feel horrible calling me fat and now demanding that she gets one of our scans that really means a lot to me.

He doesn’t get it and ends up in a fight.

AITAH for telling her that I do appreciate she is excited about my child but to back off and it’s our child not hers?

Despite standing firm in her decisions, the husband seems oblivious to the MIL’s overreach.

Reddit, however, sees right through her.

This person says MIL is quite literally insane.

And this person points out it’s actually a husband issue, too.

This person says Hubs needs to take action now, before things get worse.

When your MIL thinks she’s the one having a baby, it’s time for some serious boundary-setting.

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