
She Apologized A Hundred Times For Being A “Rude Teen,” But She Drew The Line At A Hundred And One

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

There’s this weird point that comes while you’re growing up where you kind of suddenly realize that your parents are just people.

Like, they’re not gods or devils, just folks who’ve had goals and struggles, and, yanno, kids.

It’s an important part of maturing that makes you better equipped to both hold them accountable for their failings, and also cut them some slack for their mistakes, and appreciate them for their sacrifices.

But what about when that understanding needs to go the other way around, like in this story fromReddit user @EmergencyFox8423.

Check it out.

AITA for not apologizing to my mom about things I did as a teen

I am a 26F who lives about 20 minutes away from my parents and we try to go out to eat together whenever we can.

However, for some reason almost every time we go out my mom starts to complain about how I acted as a teenager.

It always starts off reminiscing about my teenage years and then she brings up how I didn’t “treat her right” and never wanted to be around her growing up.

To be fair I was kind of a wild child back then and was pretty rude, but from what I remember and what I know about teenage girls it all seems like it was pretty average teen rebellion.

Show me a teenager who was never rude to their parents and I’ll show you a kid who was hiding something HUGE.

What really made me mad was last night my mom and I were at dinner talking about my first year going to the renaissance festival since I have been going every year for the past decade.

She asked me how I got there because she didn’t remember taking me and I mentioned the friend’s mom who drove us.

She then got super defensive and said “of course because you couldn’t stand to be around me then.”

I just stared at her after and said a quick sorry but she then she kept talking about how [rude] I was to her and didn’t want to have anything to do with her.

I ended up telling her that I am done apologizing for things I did when I was a 14-year-old girl in the height of puberty.

Sorry, not sorry?

Before anyone asks, I have apologized sincerely multiple times but she always seems to forget that I have.

I just want to know AITA for not wanting to apologize anymore and telling her that’s kind of what she signed up for when having kids.

Let’s see what the denizens of Reddit have to say:

If an apology isn’t what she’s after, then what is?

You’re supposed to embarrass your kids, not humiliate them:

At what point is enough, enough?

Looks like the shoe is on the other foot:

The truth is, there are a lot of parents out there who would love to have regular dinners with their adult kids.

Don’t take your loved ones for granted.

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