
She Had Her Perfect Wedding Dress Picked Out, But When Her Family Decided To Try It On, She Rethought Everything

wedding dress, white shoes and white bouquet


Saying yes to the dress is so in demand there’s an entire TV series about it.

But what happens when too many people say yes to the same dress?

Check out this story where one bride isn’t sure how to handle the knowledge that her family members have tried on her wedding dress.

Should she let it go, or is she justified in being upset?

Let’s find out.

AITAH for not wanting to wear my wedding dress because my family have tried it on before my wedding?

Am I the jerk for wanting to just cancel my wedding?

My partner (32m) and I (30f) are due to get married in march.

I purchased my dress last October and I loved it.

But then the dress went wandering around:

Because we are currently in the middle of house renovations my mum offered to keep the dress at hers, which I did and I was grateful for it to be safe.

This morning I was scrolling through insta and I saw my cousin wearing my wedding dress.

I clicked and there was more photos, not just of her but of my other cousins (3 in total).

She’s worried they stretched out her dress.

I confronted my mum and she just shrugged it off saying that they were just curious and wanted to try it and that she didn’t see the issue.

My cousin’s are 22 and 19 so they are not kids and can easily go to a dress shop themselves.

But what’s concerned me more is that they are two dress sizes larger than I am.

Which means they have had to crush themselves in my dress.

And now this is adding to her wedding stress.

The whole situation has stressed me out.

I don’t want to wear it and I can’t afford nor do I have the time to get another wedding dress.

I want to just call the whole thing off as I feel so disrespected and I just don’t want any of those involved there.

So where do we go from here?

My sister(28f) thinks I’m being dramatic and that I should just wear it and stop kicking off.

I have looked for a replacement and I can’t find anything.

I just don’t know what to do. Am I being a petty jerk for not wanting to wear it?

Her mom never should’ve let anyone try on her dress without asking her if it was okay first.

Let’s see what the comments say on Reddit

Of course, you’re not actually thinking of CANCELLING over this, are you?

A certain reckoning is required:

I feel like people should know this is over the line:

They never should’ve tried on her dress.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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