
Brother Loathes The Way His Family Treats His Wife, So He Is Considering Not Attending His Sister’s Wedding

Source: Reddit/AITA, Unsplash/TrenchoPhotography

Weddings are meant to bring people together, but as anyone who reads a lot of Reddit could tell you, that’s definitely not always this case

And you can add this family to the list of ones torn apart by impending nuptials instead of being brought together.

Let’s walk down the aisle with this one…

AITA for not going to my sister’s wedding?

I (29M) am in a bit of a pickle and need some unbiased opinions.

My sister (27F) is getting married next month, and it’s supposed to be a joyous occasion.

However, there’s some serious family drama that’s making things complicated.

To give some context, my family has always had a strained relationship with my wife (30F).

Family relations can strain even the most solid relationship.

They never really approved of her, and there have been countless passive-aggressive comments and cold shoulders over the years.

My wife has tried her best to be polite and cordial, but it’s taken a toll on her.

Recently, my parents went a step further and openly criticized my wife during a family gathering, blaming her for driving a wedge between me and them.


This led to a huge argument, and I defended my wife, which only escalated the situation.

My sister was present and didn’t intervene or support us, which hurt even more.

Now, with the wedding approaching, my wife feels extremely uncomfortable attending, and honestly, I don’t blame her.

Totally understandable, nobody likes to feel unwanted.

She’s been treated poorly for years, and this latest incident was the last straw.

I told my sister that if my wife isn’t welcome, I won’t attend the wedding either.

She’s upset and claims that I’m being unreasonable and ruining her big day.

AITA for deciding not to attend my sister’s wedding to support my wife?

Boycotts can be effective…

I love my sister, but I feel like my loyalty should lie with my wife, especially given the circumstances.

Let’s check out the comments…

This person says why have you let this go on so long?

Someone else says, the answer is obvious, duh.

Another user says, talk to your family!

One commenter says, take a stand! Put your foot down!

And one devil’s advocate says, hey what if your wife is the problem?

Weddings aren’t always unifying, and this one is straight up like long division.

What a bunch of perfectly delightful folks, right?

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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