It can be hard to work in the service industry.
Especially if you don’t get any tips.
In this story, one cafeteria worker found a way to get back at a grumpy regular.
Let’s get the scoop on this soupy tale.
The completely legal way to “mess with” someone’s food.
I work in a cafeteria in a factory, so almost all my customers are regulars and I get to know what they like and don’t like.
There’s one woman on nights who absolutely hates peas, won’t even try to eat around them.
She loves any kind of chicken soup and is always a little upset if there are peas in it.
Sounds like this worker is a real princess and the pea.
Last week we had a chicken soup with no peas, but she still got mad because we had the noodles for it on the side so they wouldn’t turn to mush in the soup.
It’s how we do noodle soups, you add the noodles to your bowl and then add the soup.
Makes sense, nobody likes a soggy noodle.
Today we have chicken and wild rice soup, which I know she’s crazy for.
I had to add to it to make sure we’ll have enough for midnights.
I don’t have to time to chop up carrots like the guy on days, guess I’ll just have to use the frozen peas and carrots.
Subtle but devious.
Oh well, can’t really cater to one person while serving a hundred.
No soup for you
This revenge was not soup-er big, but it did the trick?
What do the comments think?
This person says, why not get rid of soup altogether?
This person upvotes separation of noodles and soup.
Someone else says peas are the worst.
This user and the last guy are two peas in a pod.
Last but not least, this person says the pea-hater is in good company.
This cafeteria employee and their customer are probably not gonna make peas.
Like it or not.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.