
Mom Kept Telling Her Kid About Her New Boyfriend, And They Finally Had To Tell Her They Didn’t Want To Hear It

Source: Reddit/AITA

I’ve had friends with parents like this…

Parents who tell them absolutely EVERYTHING about their lives.

Hey, I love talking to my parents, but there are some things that we don’t discuss and never will.

The person who wrote this story, however, never stops getting all the details about her mom’s personal life, so she finally had to put a stop to it.

Was she wrong?

Check out what happened.

AITA for telling my mom to stop telling me stuff about her new “boyfriend”?

“To start, I am young.

My parents are soon to be separated but live in the same house due to money issues, with me and my siblings.

They haven’t been together for a while due to my dads behaviors over the years and my mom being tired of, which I completely support her for.

I recently found out that she has a “boyfriend” and we have gotten closer since.

She’s told me a lot about them and I’ve had no problem, when they are going out, they are on the phone, etc.

I have no problem hearing about that, but it’s when it gets too far.


Today, I was hanging out with her and she was telling me their problems.

She’s told me a few of their problems before and I think of myself more mature then my age so i give her advice and we move on.

To be honest, I think it’s weird that I’m hearing about a new person that my mom loves, and their problems.

I don’t want the situation to turn out like my dad.

I know and feel bad that i should be helping her, but balancing on them going to get divorced and hearing about a new guy, it’s a lot.

This doesn’t sound like a good idea.

She was spilling her heart out to me, but to be honest I don’t know if I’m okay hearing the problems they go through so quick.

I get why it can make me the *******, as if not helping my mom with everything she’s been through, but what about me dealing with the situation itself?

She got mad, and I don’t know if i’m in the wrong for straight up telling her I don’t want to hear about it.”

Let’s see what Reddit users had to say about this.

This reader shared their thoughts.

Another individual spoke up.

This Reddit user chimed in.

Another individual said she’s NTA.

And this reader nailed it.

There are some things you shouldn’t discuss with your kids…

And you should be mature enough to know what they are.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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