
His Daughter’s Autographed Baseball Was Taken From Their Seat At The Game, So When He Saw Some Other Kids Playing With It He Demanded It Back

baseball player giving autographs to kids


Going to a baseball game is a fun activity for kids and adults, especially when you can get a baseball autographed by one of the players.

What would you do if your kid got an autographed baseball, but when you went to get some snacks, someone took it from under your seat?

That is what happened to the family in this story, and the dad saw some kids playing with it and their parent immediately lied and said they just found it.

Check out this story about good parenting – from one dad, anyway.

Kid just “found” an autographed baseball

I took my 12-year-old daughter to a minor-league baseball game.

Before the game she met several players and got their autographs on a ball.

They were signing for everyone, so numerous kids got the same thing.

Sure, that should be safe.

Later in the game we got up to get food and I told my daughter the ball would be safe tucked inside our stuff left under the seat.

No one else was sitting near us and I’ve left stuff like that before many times.

I bet she was upset.

A couple innings after we returned, my daughter noticed her ball was missing.

I looked around and saw a kid two rows behind us holding two autographed balls.

One of them had red signatures on it and we were the only ones I saw with a red marker.

I got up and made my way back to him and said “excuse me” and the dad immediately said “oh, he found this” and the kid handed it back to me.

I’m sure dad saw the kids take it.

I hadn’t even asked for the ball back so they made it obvious they knew what they had done.

Mind you, the kid already had his own signed ball.

Nice job by the dad raising a thief.

That dad knew his kids took it and just hoped nobody would say anything.

Read on to see what the people in the comments say about it.

It has been happening forever.


This is almost certainly correct.

Where do people like this get the nerve?

Sadly, this is true.

Good parents are becoming increasingly rare.

And this guy isn’t breaking the cycle.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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