
‘Your phone’s not going to notify you.’ – There Are Hidden Voicemails On Your Smartphone And This User Shows You How To View Them

Source: Pexels/@alinunu_

Unless you’re a tech guru, you’re probably only scratching the surface of what your smartphone can do, or in this case is what it is already doing automatically.

Buckle up for this information about your voicemail.

“Am I the only one who did not know?” asks TikToker @alinunu_.

“When you block somebody and they leave you a voicemail,” she says darting her eyes side to side and pausing dramatically.

“They’re going to collect in a folder called “Blocked Messages” and you don’t get a notification on your phone about it.

Come again?

It’s a revelation for a lot of people. How do you access this folder?

“Go to your voicemail, scroll to the bottom and there is a folder called ‘Blocked Messages.'”

“I had about 27 voicemails in there from my ex from like 2 and a half years ago,” she says.

“I thought I was the only crazy one leaving voicemails.”

The look on her face is priceless.

Watch the full clip.



♬ original sound – Ali nunu🇵🇷

Here is what folks are saying.

Aw I’m sorry.

I hope they weren’t important or threatening!

Dad?! Is that you?!

Aw that’s so nice. You don’t want to lose a loved one’s voice.

I bet there is a legal reason for it.

Be right back. Have to check this out.

If you liked that story, check out this one about a Costco customer who got their cart stolen… so she hatched a plan to get it back!

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