The Sifter is always on the hunt for interesting content. We encourage you to share any links, pictures and videos you think might be suitable for the Sifter, especially if it’s your own work!
Please send any and all submissions to:
Please note: Due to volume we are unable to respond to every submission we receive but rest assured we do look at everything!
Things to consider when suggesting a link:
– Details: name of artist, product, band, video etc. any background info is always appreciated!
– Quality: the Sifter loves high quality photos. Ideally 800px or wider for landscape and 800px or taller for portraits
– Sources: the Sifter craves proper accreditation for people’s work (e.g., photographer, musician, writer, etc.)
– Credit: Include your name/alias and link to your website/profile so we can give you props for the find!