If You Color This In Just Right, a Few Gaming Logos Might Appear

Austin Alander drew an awesome coloring poster featuring hundreds of popular video game characters (and Waldo)
Austin Alander drew an awesome coloring poster featuring hundreds of popular video game characters (and Waldo)
Straight out of a fairytale. A beautiful capture by Sebastian Unrau
Anyone care for a bite of this nature burger?
Artist Shamehk Bluwi shows us that there is creative inspiration all around us you just have to look 🙂
In this beautiful landscape photo by Luca Zanon we see numerous shades of blue making the entire scene look like some kind of natural gradient.
Dude you just got to see color for the first time, don’t go blind staring at the sun!
Magenta is not found in the visible spectrum of light yet we still ‘perceive’ it. Here’s why
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