
Young Woman’s 3-Minute Video on Relativity Earns $400k in Scholarships And School Improvements

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Hillary Diane Andales’ video, ‘Relativity & The Equivalence of Reference Frames,’ won the Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2017. Her idea is that the theory of relativity, first introduced by Albert Einstein, is interesting because it shatters the singularity in perspective that we all have become accustomed to.

In the video, Hillary uses the Doppler Effect to explain how the space you currently physically occupy is essential to the perception of how you intrepret reality. In essence, your perspective about what is happening is intrinsically related to where you physically experience it.

Pretty trippy, right? It was impressive enough for Hillary to win $400,000 in scholarships, school renovations and teacher awards from Breakthrough Junior Challenge. Read more about Hillary’s journey, from idea to script, then to filming, editing, and animation in her blog.


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