
10 Detailed Close-Ups of Animal Eyes


We’ve already featured the incredible macro photography of Suren Manvelyan before, showcasing his series on human eyes. This time we check out Suren’s masterful collection of animal eye close-ups. While this post and the one prior focus on Suren’s macro work, his talent spans to portraits, landscapes and other creative photo projects which you can see on his personal website and portfolio on Behance.

In parallel to photography Suren has been teaching physics, mathematics, projective geometry and astronomy at the Yerevan Waldorf School for the last decade. And from 1997 to 2011, he served as a scientific researcher at the Institute for Physical Research of National Academy of Sciences.

Suren received his PhD in Theoretical Physics from the Yerevan State University in 2001 where his research focused on Quantum Chaos. He received the President Award of the Republic of Armenia the following year for his research work in the field of quantum technologies. And in case you weren’t already impressed, he plays five musical instruments – guitar, cello, piano, block flute, and lyre. Be sure to check out his other work online at the links below.

*As stated on Behance. All animals are alive and were not harmed during shooting


Suren Manvelyan – Website | Behance | Facebook



1. Llama.

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan



2. Blue-and-Yellow Macaw Parrot

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan



3. Crocodile

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan



4. Black Rabbit

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan



5. British Shorthair Cat

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan



6. Blue Crayfish

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan



7. Guinea Pig

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan



8. Caiman

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan



9. Lark

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan



10. Horse

Photograph by Suren Manvelyan




Suren Manvelyan – Website | Behance | Facebook





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