Artist, photographer and baker extraordinaire Christine McConnell served up this delicious series of baked nightmares; from alien waffle cones to cookie monsters and the most metal cake you will ever see. The fantastic creations were posted by the multi-talented McConnell to reddit, where it was promptly eaten up, reaching the top spot on the front page.
Based out of Los Angeles, California, Christine moonlights as a stylist at the renowned Cal Martini Color Group in Beverly Hills. She’s worked on celebrities for events and film and is able to replicate hair and makeup styles from any era. McConnell is available for multiple types of photography, as well as hair and makeup styling. Oh and she also makes many of her own clothes…. and don’t forget the baking. Never forget the baking 🙂 To contact or book Christine, you can find additional information at the links below.
[via ChristineHMcConnell on reddit]
1. Waffle Cone Aliens
2.Sugar Cookie Glued Together with Caramel
and Glazed with Milk, Sugar and Nutmeg
3. Chicken Pot Pie
with Carrot Carved Beak and Feet
4. Danzig Birthday Cake
5. Stacked Lemon Bars Topped with Honey Meringue
and Buttercream Dragon Bees
6. Shortbread Cookies Glued with Caramel,
Painted in Chocolate and Dusted with Toasted Coconut
7. Serpent Cake with Wax Candle Tongue
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