
Picture of the Day: Cardinal Levitation

levitating cardinal floating bird perfect timing Picture of the Day: Cardinal Levitation

Photograph by the_pride_of_VPI on reddit


Reddit user the_pride_of_VPI on reddit captured this perfectly timed photo of a cardinal jumping and it looks as if the bird is floating or levitating above the rail. In the comments the photographer says he took the photo in Virginia with a Nikon D7000.

Cardinals, in the family Cardinalidae, are passerine birds found in North and South America. The family ranges in size from the 12-cm (4.7-in), 11.5-g (0.40-oz) orange-breasted bunting to the 25-cm (9.8-in), 85-g (2.99-oz) black-headed saltator. [source]

Be sure to check out our other “perfectly timed” photo posts for more.


via the_pride_of_VPI on reddit



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