
Cheese Wheel Chart for Cheese Lovers [Infographic]

cheese-wheel-chart-for-cheese-lovers by pop chart lab

Prints Available | Cheese Platter


The design team at Pop Chart Lab has created a handy cheese wheel chart of 65 common cheeses from around the world. The cheeses are broken down by the animal that produced the milk, and then by the texture of the resultant cheese. The chart includes all-time greats like Cheddar Brie, and Mozzarella; as well as foodie faves like Stinking Bishop and Humboldt Fog.

Cheese lovers know that there are thousands of different varieties so no legible chart could easily include all of them. Think of this as an entry-level guide to cheese with many of the ones listed found in your average supermarket.

If you enjoyed looking at the chart above, prints (and even a cheese platter!) are available through their website.

I’ve also included a second chart below by Sean Seidell that displays 16 common flavors of cheese, their traits and related cheeses.

[via JiveMonkey]





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