
These Intricately Cut Blinds Show Iconic Cityscapes at Night

intricately cut blinds show iconic cityscapes at night by holeroll 3 These Intricately Cut Blinds Show Iconic Cityscapes at Night


Ukrainian-based ‘HoleRoll‘ has created a series of exclusive roller blinds that feature famous cityscapes like New York City and London at night.

The blackout roller blinds have detailed cutouts of buildings and the night sky, and when light penetrates, it brings the view to life, casting amazing shadows in the process.

While the blinds are truly blackout with 0% light transmission, the cut out areas obviously allow in light so the blinds are probably most suitable for areas like livings rooms and other common spaces that do not require complete darkness. The backside (facing outwards) is glossy and white, protecting the room from heating even during the hottest, sunny days.

For more information on these creative roller blinds visit
[via Colossal]



Blinds by HoleRoll


Blinds by HoleRoll


Blinds by HoleRoll


Blinds by HoleRoll


Blinds by HoleRoll


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