New Study Reveals That It Is Possible To Cast A Shadow Using Lasers, Opening New Possibilities In Optical Technologies

Who would have thought that light could cast a shadow?
Who would have thought that light could cast a shadow?
So, it seems that the speed limit of the universe is still safe. For now.
Footage captured by Kyle Huber
For Vincent Bal, it all started with the simple shadow of a teacup
Artist Damon Belanger was commissioned to inject a little life into the downtown core of Redwood City, California
Ukrainian-based ‘HoleRoll‘ has created a series of roller blinds that feature famous cityscapes like New York City and London at night
In this excerpt from episode 1 of Carl Sagan’s ‘Cosmos’, he explains how the Greek scholar, Eratosthenes, knew the Earth was curved over 2,200 years ago
At first glance, Muntean’s LEGO sculptures look like an unwieldy mass of bricks, haphazardly assembled and completely amorphous
Did you know Io’s shadow sails across the face of Jupiter at 38,000 mph (17 kilometers per second)!
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