
How You Determine Your Real Weight if You’re Weighing Yourself With Clothes On

If you’re one of those people that likes to weigh themselves every day but sometimes you’re in a rush and you don’t feel like stripping your clothes off, there’s a new method that will help you calculate your true weight.

Also, when you get weighed at the doctor’s office, you’re not gonna strip down naked in the hallway where people are walking by, so this will help you out in those situations, too.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

A study published in the International Journal of Obesity gives us a good ballpark number of how much our clothes actually weigh when we step onto a scale.

Researchers at the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center kept track of the weight of 50 men and women for one year and they were weighed with and without clothing.

The study showed that women’s clothes averaged just over 1.75 pounds and men’s clothing added just over 2.5 pounds to the total.

Photo Credit: Unsplash,i yunmai

There’s also a slight seasonal factor to take into consideration. In the winter, women can subtract a total of 0.8 pounds to account for more clothing and men can take away 1.3 pounds to get their true weight.

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