
Here Are Some Easy Ways to Decorate a Cake if You’re Not Super Handy in the Kitchen

So you’re not exactly a whiz in the kitchen…it’s okay, don’t beat yourself up about it!

And if you’re REALLY not good at decorating cakes, we’re going to give you some tips today that you can use to impress your friends and family at your next gathering.

Instead of trying to get fancy with the icing and that complicated piping bag, go nuts! And by that, I mean you should actually decorate your cake with actual nuts to give it a cool look, kind of like sprinkles.

You can ring the top with walnut halves or crunch up nuts and put them all over the top and the sides of the cake. It’ll look and taste great.

Another fun way to decorate your cake that you don’t need any skill to pull off is with broken chocolate pieces and candy. Press some chunks of chocolate, candy canes, or marshmallow pieces all over the cake to make it look fancy and to give your guests something extra to nibble on.

And lastly, do some research and either find some edible flowers or visit your florist and buy some from them to liven up your cake in a unique way. They’re colorful and they’re tasty. And try some herbs on your cake, too!

Now get in the kitchen and impress the people in your life with your new creation!

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