
What Do People Consider Healthy Today That Probably Won’t Be in the Future? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Health trends change all the time and what’s considered good for people now will be looked at as weird and dangerous several years from now.

So what is considered healthy today that probably won’t be in the future?

Let’s see what people had to say about this.

1. You might be right…

“Social media.

I’m being super hypocritical, but we’re gonna look back on social media today the same way our parents looked back on the time they s**ked and said, ‘Yeah, everybody sm**ed back then — it really wasn’t a big deal.'”

2. What’s in them?


What’s in them? They aren’t regulated, so anything could be.

Some reports have shown a lot of them contain unhealthy ingredients.”

3. But it’s natural!

“The notion that ‘natural’ automatically means healthier.

Cyanide is ‘natural.'”

4. Doing damage.

“Letting children have unlimited access to the internet and using the internet as a babysitter.”

5. Dangerous.

“Playing football as a kid as some ‘healthy’ growing up thing.

As someone who suffered from three severe concussions before I was 20, let me tell you: head injuries are no joke.

On a serious matter: I’m not yet 40 but my wife and I have already had an “end of life” talk about what to do with me when my memory, which is already deteriorating, goes completely.”

6. Bad for the environment.

“K cups.

The inventor of K cups already laments what his invention has wrought.

He’s talked about how they’re not recyclable, expensive, and not good quality coffee.”

7. What are you inhaling?

“Using all these household cleaning products in bathrooms to get a clean look, but you’re inhaling all that crap.”

8. So stupid.

“Not vaccinating your children.

Where the hell did this trend come from?

It’s so dangerous and re-inviting deadly diseases like measles back into our society.”

9. Wreaking havoc.

“Distance running.

Consistent impact wreaks havoc on your joints and tendons, especially if you’re a heel striker or flat footed, which is most of us.”

10. Too late for me…

“The school day starting at the a** crack of dawn.

Bad idea.

11. Plastics.

“Cooking things in plastic.

Eating and drinking things out of plastic.”

12. Pretty weird.

“The amount of our lives we share with strangers online, thinking we’re ‘anonymous.'”

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