
Here Are Some Lies That Too Many People Still Want To Believe

Listen, wanting to believe something is true because it helps you get through the day and actually believing something is true are two different things – but they have the same result.

Sometimes looking the truth in the face is the better way to go – and these 16 people say we all need to square up with the fact that these lies are never going to be true.

No matter how much we want them to be.

16. Among other things.

That dogs mouths are cleaner than humans.

I’ve seen my dog eat poop.

15. A lie we all tell every day.

People have read the terms and conditions

14. It’s math.

That nine out of ten people can’t solve this simple math problem!

13. The real truth.

That only 1% can beat that 1 mobile game

To be fair, the remaining 99% stopped playing after the third level because the game was trash.

12. Everyone is the same.

Adults know what’s going on. I’m 32 and I haven’t got a f**king clue.

One of my favorite quotes from Margaret Atwood: “Another belief of mine; that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise.”

11. Just one more night.

I’m gonna fix all my bad habits tomorrow

10. A particular gem.

Carrots help with eye sight.

This particular gem came about during WW2. Britain spread the rumor that their pilots were getting better eyesight by eating a LOT of carrots.

They spread this rumor to try to keep the Germans from knowing about the new invention of radar… in order to cover up why so many targets were being hit.

And it’s true in that a vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness, and carrots (like many other vegetables and fruits) is high in precursors for vitamin A. So a cover-up based on a tiny pinch of truth.

9. Low or high?

That people eat 8 spiders in their sleep over the course of their lifetime.

8. Not all mechanics.

That every mechanic is out to take your money.

Please. I beg of you. Some of us do simply want nothing but the best for our customers. For us smaller shops, getting customers to trust is is important. One way we do that is by making sure our customers’ vehicles are safe to drive.

So if we notice a leaking hose or notice a funny noise that shouldn’t be there, we’ll let you know that way you’re aware of the problem. We aren’t just looking for more money. We leave that for the dealerships.

7. The first part is probably true.

Hot and sexy women are close by and they want to chat!

6. It’s not always strangers.

Stranger Danger.

We taught young children to be afraid of strangers in trench coats. Meanwhile priests and scout leaders were hurting kids all over the place.

5. It doesn’t mean it’s not, right?

That just because a popular celebrity or athlete endorses a product, that means it’s worth buying.

4. A limited worldview.

Just because you personally haven’t experienced something doesn’t mean it’s not a widespread or systematic issue.

3. A numbers game.

There is the “one” for all us.

Such bullshit. There are several someones for every individual. You just gotta find one of them to be compatible with.

2. It’s all made up.

That social media personas are relevant or important.

1. Fun joke.

Ladies, don’t fall for “I promise I’ll pull out”.

Fun joke from my grandmother about this:

“What do you call a couple on the pull-out method? Parents!”

There, do you feel lighter?

Me either, but at least we’re all being honest.

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