
Here Are The Things Adults Think All Teenagers Should Know

Listen, as adults, we all know that teenagers don’t actually care what we have to say. When we were teenagers, we didn’t care what the grownups around us had to say, either, because they didn’t understand us or our lives thankyouverymuch.

On the other side of it, you realize that even though things in the world have changed quite a lot, the fact is that people have changed very little – which means there’s plenty of advice that still sticks.

So, if you’re willing to hear it, these pieces of advice could belong in your back pocket.

Learn new skills.

If you don’t have a passion, learn new skills. You might find your passion or something you’re good at.

It’s a whole sentence.

It’s ok to say no to anyone.

Don’t let anyone in your life guilt trip you into doing something you don’t want to do or are uncomfortable with

Just indifferent.

When you get to driving you need to realize that the laws of physics apply to you. They aren’t out to get you, they’re just indifferent.

Slow the f**k down and don’t horse around, you’re driving a very heavy machine at speeds we did not evolve to deal with. Be safe.

Exactly as lame.

It’s exactly as lame to not do something you want to do because it’s too mainstream or popular as it is to do something only because it’s cool and the cool kids are doing it.

Start the work now.

Don’t put off dealing with mental health issues. Developing unhealthy coping mechanisms for emotional issues will fuck you up big time down the road. If you have issues, deal with it head on, right away. It can take time, but start the work now.

Also, save for retirement. You should open a Roth IRA yesterday.

You won’t regret it.

Learn a second language. It’s good for your brain, and it’s a lot easier when you’re young.

Get active and fit; make it a habit. This is one of the most important ways to stave off cognitive decline as you get older. Plus, it’s great for managing mental health during the transition to adulthood.

Don’t stay silent.

If you are assaulted on campus, notify the police, not campus security.

To add to this: if you’re experiencing harassment, bullying, or anything that isn’t technically a matter for the police, don’t stop reporting it to the school until somebody actually listens to you. The first person you talk to at the school may blow you off.

Go to the next person up or another department. If they say there’s nothing they can do, get them to put it in writing. People are often much more inclined to help if their actions (or lack there of) are being recorded.

You’ll be thankful one day.

Start trying to save money now. You will definitely thank yourself later on.

Even if you don’t know yet what your saving for… Could be a down pmt on a car, could be for a computer, for a move to a new town for a better job, deposits on an apartment and utilities, car repairs, veterinary visits for a pet, a new bed/mattress. Life happens and if you have a savings, it makes it easier.

Don’t go along.

Learn to trust your gut when in strange situations. If something feels off / wrong, it probably is.

Don’t go along with something if it feels wrong.

Subject to change.

The measure of whether someone has the potential to be a new friend of yours is NOT whether they like a bunch of things you like. It is entirely possible to become friends with people who like a ton of things you’ve never heard of, or even already decided you dislike. You are at a spot in life where a lot of your likes and dislikes are subject to change anyway.

Biggest thing: making a new friend often takes time. Lots of time. Much longer than movies and shows make it look like. Find things to do, groups to join, city league sports to play (pandemic permitting, or after) and keep learning about the people you see repeatedly. Far too many early twenties people who report having no friends made a premature judgment that one or more prospective friends were off the list, when it just needed a lot more time.

Enjoy the ride.

While you shouldn’t believe those who say these gonna be the best years of your life, try to make the most of it, to enjoy the ride.

Don’t be ashamed of your hobbies and passions ; those who make fun of that can go f**k themselves.

Every feeling you have deserves to be expressed in any constructive manner.

Don’t fear rejection from those you like/love. Tell them and come what may.

Learn to admit you’re wrong.

When you make a mistake, own up to it. People are more willing to help you when you admit you did a dumb thing. This goes for school, work, and personal life. Forget to make a payment on a loan? Call and talk to the finance company. Mess something up on a school project? Tell your teacher and ask for a bit of leeway. Etc. People will be more likely to help you if you communicate.

Start your retirement fund as early as possible. Doesn’t matter if you can only afford $5 a week, it’s still $5 more than you would have had otherwise. It WILL add up and you’ll thank yourself later.

How to disagree.

How to deescalate difficult situations.

And how to disagree with a teacher/someone in authority without sounding like a know-it-all or in a condescending manner.

For example, if a teacher says X and you are certain you learned differently, recognize that there may be certain circumstances that you may not realize that changes something. Lead the disagreement with a saying like: excuse me, I may be wrong, but I thought/learned Y.

This kind of phrasing does not cause the other person to be on the defensive, which can allow gentle new instruction for you, or a graceful/face saving correction for the teacher.

A situation with differing opinions doesn’t have to be confrontational.

A marketable skill.

Get a marketable skill, unskilled labor sucks. You need something that’s going to pay you, it doesn’t have to be your life’s passion, contrary to what my peers were saying at that age, but you do need to be able to tolerate it.

Don’t waste your time.

I graduated 10 years ago from high school and none of those people are in my life now. So take your time being you and grow your self esteem and talents now over wasting time trying to impress those pricks you won’t even remember in a few months after graduation.


Cashiers don’t care if you buy condoms.

You can do it.

I’ve said this before but it’s important. When someone says you can’t do something in life, it means they can’t do it, not that you can’t.

Some things you just have to learn for yourself.

Hard way or not.

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