
Is Microwaving Ice Cream To Make It Softer Good or Bad? Should Things Be Frozen Twice? The Internet Responds.

Sometimes you get serious and even scary stories when people log on to ask for opinions on r/askreddit.

Sometimes you get arguments like this one, in which one spouse thinks it’s ok to nuke ice cream for a few seconds to loosen it up and the other one thinks it’s absolutely wrong.

OP is the microwaver – not for a long time, just 10-20 seconds to make it easier to scoop – and thinks her husband is overreacting for calling the practice unsafe.

Short and sweet.

I hate waiting for ice cream,like Ben and Jerry’s, to go soft enough to scoop, so I microwave it to melt it a bit, get what I want, then put it back.

I’m not melting the ice cream to soup. Its 10-20 seconds to just take the edge off.

When guests agreed with him, though, she started to take his objections a bit more seriously.

My husband hates it because he says your not supposed to freeze things twice.

I’ve never had a problem, but I did it at a dinner party and his family all looked at me like I had two heads.

So, does Reddit think it’s time to file for divorce? Let’s find out!

The top comment is a bit dramatic, but does come with some good advice.

Image Credit: Reddit

A couple of comments called out the top one for making a mountain out of a molehill.

Image Credit: Reddit

This person doesn’t think anyone commenting would be able to tell if the ice cream had been slightly heated at one point.

Image Credit: Reddit

This commenter totally disagrees, though!

Image Credit: Reddit

Technically, you might be rolling the dice, bacteria-wise.

Image Credit: Reddit

Listen, I think they could probably solve this on their own.

It might be a (small) risk, but it’s not going to ruin anyone’s life.

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